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27 September, 2024

Weekly Updates on 27/09/2024

Weekly Updates on 27/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 27-09-2024

Every week, BVIS Hanoi's Senior Leadership Team sends out an article to parents to highlight news of the week. The article includes four sections: updates from our Principal, Head of Primary, Head of Secondary and upcoming events announcement.

Weekly Updates on 01/03/2024 | BVIS Hanoi-Weekly Updates on 01-03-2024

Dear Parents

I would like to thank you all for your overwhelming response to our appeal for support with communities following the devastating storms. We have an enormous number of goods and an incredible amount of cash donation to use to buy much needed items for the communities in need. Our sister school BVIS HCMC through their school community has also sent our appeal an incredible donation of cash to use. Thank you to everyone and thank you to BVIS HCMC for your contribution to this important effort. Over the coming weeks we will be sharing updates and pictures of how and where the goods are being delivered. Thank you all!

Weekly Updates on 27/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 27-09-2024

Next week I shall be hosting a session on the A Level curriculum and other popular curriculums in operation. I hope many of you will be able to join the session. Please register to join the session at this link.

Weekly Updates on 27/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 27-09-2024

As you know, every year we support the BritCham Charity fun run. This year we will be doing similar and you will have received an email with full details. I hope many of you will be able to join us for this great event. You can register at this link.

Weekly Updates on 27/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 27-09-2024

This week some of our Primary students attended the Primary Student Leadership Conference at BIS. I had the pleasure of attending and it was great to see our young leaders of the future engaged in such a great event.

Weekly Updates on 27/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 27-09-2024

I am delighted that next week on 1st October we are hosting the very first Grandparent Day in the Primary School here at BVIS. I am looking forward to meeting many grandparents of primary children on this day.

Weekly Updates on 27/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 27-09-2024

I wish you all a very safe and relaxing weekend ahead.

Weekly Updates on 01/03/2024 | BVIS Hanoi-Weekly Updates on 01-03-2024

A curious mind and a love of learning

The children in Early Years are given opportunities to learn and grow every day. The curriculum supports important skill development. Early intervention helps children to achieve more when they go to the Primary School. Co-operative play, physical development, a curious mind and a love of learning are just some of the activity objectives from this week.

Weekly Updates on 27/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 27-09-2024

Hands-on exploration

Last week, our children demonstrated remarkable independence through continuous provision. They communicated and collaborated beautifully to create a vibrant community from a simple stimulus. The children were able to extend their knowledge through hands-on exploration and curiosity.

Weekly Updates on 27/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 27-09-2024

Beautiful lyrics

Year 2 incorporates the five ways to well-being each morning to enhance their mental health and focus skills. The children learn a new song about grandparents, create giving cards, and explore the beautiful lyrics of the grandpa song.

Weekly Updates on 27/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 27-09-2024

Collaborating to solve Maths problems

In Maths, Year 3 have been learned about addition and subtraction with different methods including counting, number line and column. Children are so confident in collaborating with friends to solve Maths problems.

Weekly Updates on 27/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 27-09-2024

Confident communicators

Maths lessons have reached a new level of excitement as our students transform into "Junior teachers”, enthusiastically leading their classmates through maths exercises. This interactive approach not only strengthens their understanding but also fosters self-confidence and enhances their communication skills. The collaborative learning environment allows every student to shine while supporting one another's growth.

Weekly Updates on 27/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 27-09-2024

Listening to and explaining solutions to climate change

This week, Year 5 has been learning about solutions to climate change. After researching in groups about one solution, a spokesperson was chosen for each group and stayed at their table while the rest moved around the class, listening to the information from other groups. After visiting each table, the rest of the group fed back what they had learnt.

Weekly Updates on 27/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 27-09-2024

Public speaking

Last week the Year 6 students presented their ‘Young People who have Changed the World’ speeches. They worked in pairs to research their chosen young person, create their presentations and then share with the class. They were challenged to speak and not read, use confident loud and clear voices, and consider the relevant information to share with their peers. They did a great job!

Weekly Updates on 27/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 27-09-2024

Weekly Updates on 27/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 27-09-2024

Weekly Updates on 27/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 27-09-2024

Weekly Updates on 27/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 27-09-2024

Secondary Weekly Update 27/09/2024

An update from Ms Claire

I have been really enjoying meeting parents at our coffee mornings. Last Friday, I had the pleasure of meeting Year 12 and 13 parents and this week year 8 and 9. These events are ongoing throughout the year and are an ideal opportunity for parents to meet with school staff and ask questions.

On Tuesday, we had a very busy and successful Year 11 Options event. Students and their Parents were introduced to A Levels and Diploma curriculum pathways before being able to ask teachers and student ambassadors lots of questions about what the different courses involve. Thank you to all involved.

The rest of this week’s newsletter offers insights into different departments and areas of the school over the past week.

What’s been happening in English?

KS3 English:

The English team have been really, really impressed with the quality of the analytical writing on the different Shakespeare plays we are studying in KS3. In the build up to end of term assessments, we have been receiving loads of really high quality responses! Please find a Macbeth response from a Year 8 student and a Romeo and Juliet response from a Year 9 student:

Weekly Updates on 27/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 27-09-2024

Weekly Updates on 27/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 27-09-2024

KS5: Literature

This week, our Year 13s have enjoyed watching the RSC production of Hamlet, where Paapa Essiedu became the first black actor to play the role in RSC. It makes us so proud to see the enjoyment our students get from watching these plays performed on the stage, as they were intended to be!

As an English team, it is an absolute pleasure to begin the year teaching Shakespeare to our youngest students in Year 7 right the way through to our Year 13 A-Level groups. The engagement with it, in all year groups, is phenomenal.

Weekly Updates on 27/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 27-09-2024

What’s been happening in Maths?

Y10 students were learning how to interpret different types of data graphs by solving clues found on the walls around the room. Students worked in pairs to understand each graph. Well done to Hoai Thanh and Ngoc Minh Chau for getting the most clues correct!

Weekly Updates on 27/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 27-09-2024

Weekly Updates on 27/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 27-09-2024

What’s been happening in Computer Science?

Students are learning how to calculate image file sizes in computer science.

Weekly Updates on 27/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 27-09-2024

University Visit

Weekly Updates on 27/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 27-09-2024

Weekly Updates on 01/03/2024 | BVIS Hanoi-Weekly Updates on 01-03-2024







1 October 2024


Primary Sports Hall All Grandparents Grandparents' Day
2.00-3.00pm Classrooms All Grandparents and students Grandparents' Day activities










1 & 3 October 2024

Morning Hoa Lo Prison Year 10 students Visit Hoa Lo Prison
2 October 2024 6.00-7.00pm Secondary Auditorium Secondary Parents International A Level Programme with Mr Paul Holyome - Principal
 3 October 2024 6.00-7.30pm Secondary Auditorium Students & Parents Hanoi Schools Music Competition
 4 October 2024 8.45-9.45am  PAC Auditorium Year 10 & Year 11 Parents Coffee Morning
 8 October 2024 3.30-7.00pm Secondary Auditorium Year 7 Parents  Parent Teacher Consultation (PTC) Evening

We wish you all a very relaxing weekend!

Senior Leadership Team from BVIS Hanoi