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24 May, 2024

Weekly Updates on 24/05/2024

Weekly Updates on 24/05/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 24-05-2024

Every week, BVIS Hanoi's Senior Leadership Team sends out an article to parents to highlight news of the week. The article includes four sections: updates from our Principal, Head of Primary, Head of Secondary and upcoming events announcement.

Weekly Updates on 01/03/2024 | BVIS Hanoi-Weekly Updates on 01-03-2024

 Dear Parents

I am delighted to announce that following the evaluators visit last month BVIS has been awarded CIS reaccreditation status. This is fantastic news for the school and should give you even more confidence about the high quality of education we are providing here at the school. A huge congratulations to the whole school community.

Weekly Updates on 24/05/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 24-05-2024

On Wednesday evening, the secondary team ran a workshop on supporting your children and building their CV. This was very well attended and we hope you found the event useful.

Weekly Updates on 24/05/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 24-05-2024

Based on feedback from students, staff and parents we shall be embarking on more exciting projects at BVIS over the summer. These include:

  • New secondary library
  • New air filtration system for the swimming pool
  • New enhanced security systems across the school
  • New café in the Sixth Form Centre
  • A new refurbished secondary performing arts centre in the Sixth Form Centre
  • Investment in further enhancements to outdoor spaces and areas
  • Extending the EYFS provision

These are just some of the major projects we are planning and there will be more. I look forward to sharing all these great projects with you in August.

No doubt some of you will have seen BVIS mentioned on some of the main news channels across Vietnam for the extraordinary community work we are engaging in with the students. Please click the image below or this link HERE to re-watch the news.

Weekly Updates on 24/05/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 24-05-2024

There are still some places left on our Summer School program, please sign up to avoid disappointment:

Weekly Updates on 24/05/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 24-05-2024

I wish you all a very relaxing weekend ahead  

Weekly Updates on 01/03/2024 | BVIS Hanoi-Weekly Updates on 01-03-2024

School Value - Perseverance

Perseverance is a big word for Early Learners, but it is something they are very familiar with. Early Years children persevere every day in one way or another. In simple terms for the youngest learners, teachers are there to encourage and teach children that mistakes are perfectly acceptable and that it is ok to try again...and again. This week, the teachers have challenged the children in their use of language. Either by extending their home language vocabulary or by learning new vocabulary in English.

Weekly Updates on 24/05/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 24-05-2024

Independent Readers

In Year 1, students are encouraged to read books independently and participate in guided reading lessons. In addition to the reading corner, all learning areas in the classroom are equipped with books that are relevant to the IPC's topic.
Every week, students are given time to go to the library and independently select their favorite books in both English and Vietnamese. Here, they also have the opportunity to participate in small group guided reading lessons with books that are appropriate for their abilities.

Weekly Updates on 24/05/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 24-05-2024

Pirate Role Play

This week we acted out the story we are studying in English, this helps us deepen our understanding of the text. In IPC we learned about the roles and jobs pirates had on a ship.

Weekly Updates on 24/05/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 24-05-2024

Developing Emotional Intelligence through Drama

In Year 3 we are learning how to show a character’s reaction to something surprising, funny or annoying. We did a drama lesson to generate ideas about facial expressions, gestures, and body language. We had a lot of fun acting out different scenarios.

Weekly Updates on 24/05/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 24-05-2024

Weekly Updates on 24/05/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 24-05-2024

School Value – Enquiry

This week, Year 4 students have been learning about the structure of volcanoes and how they erupt. In English they learned a lot of vocabulary about volcanoes, and in IPC they created colourful diagram displays showing their learning.

Weekly Updates on 24/05/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 24-05-2024\

Cameras Obscura

Last week, during IPC, Year 5 created their own cameras obscura. They considered how the similarities and differences between their cameras obscura and eyes.

Weekly Updates on 24/05/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 24-05-2024

School Values - Co-operation and Enquiry

This week the Year 6 children were conducting their own experiments into air resistance and competing to design and build the best paper helicopter with the longest flight time. The small groups then went on to present to the class what they had learned. We saw big leaps forward in design as the children worked systematically and thoughtfully, applying what they were discovering during the process to the next iteration of their prototypes.

Weekly Updates on 24/05/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 24-05-2024

Weekly Updates on 01/03/2024 | BVIS Hanoi-Weekly Updates on 01-03-2024

School value ENQUIRY

Great to see 8B putting their map skills to use designing their own OS Map with a variety of different features which highlights map symbols, contour lines and practicing 4&6 figure grid references.


Weekly Updates on 24/05/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 24-05-2024


Students have had a wonderful first trip to the Floating Village. They are carrying on the good work from previous years. This trip, the students, were busy clearing the new site, weeding the new garden and talking to the locals to find out what they can do to help them further on their next trip to the floating village in June. Students behaved fantastically, well done!

Weekly Updates on 24/05/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 24-05-2024


Let us introduce our fabulous mathematics department!


Weekly Updates on 24/05/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 24-05-2024


Weekly Updates on 24/05/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 24-05-2024


Weekly Updates on 01/03/2024 | BVIS Hanoi-Weekly Updates on 01-03-2024







27 May 2024 9.00AM-12.00PM Geology Museum Hanoi 4V students 4V Learning Trip
 29 May 2024  4B students 4B Learning Trip 
 30 May 2024  4I students 4I Learning Trip 
 31 May 2024  1.45-3.00PM  Primary Sports Hall  All students & invited parents Talent Show 








30 May 2024 4.00-5.00PM Secondary Library Secondary Parents Parent information session - Geography field trip

We wish you all a very relaxing weekend!

Senior Leadership Team from BVIS Hanoi