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21 June, 2024

Weekly Updates on 21/06/2024

Weekly Updates on 21/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 21-06-2024

Every week, BVIS Hanoi's Senior Leadership Team sends out an article to parents to highlight news of the week. The article includes four sections: updates from our Principal, Head of Primary, Head of Secondary and upcoming events announcement.

Weekly Updates on 01/03/2024 | BVIS Hanoi-Weekly Updates on 01-03-2024

Dear Parents

I can’t believe we are going to enter the last week of this academic year. Where has the time gone!?

Last Friday evening we hosted a very special graduation event to say a fond farewell to our amazing Year 13 students.

Weekly Updates on 21/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 21-06-2024

On Thursday evening, I had the pleasure of attending the Year 6 graduation event. A great event and so nice to see very happy children and families looking forward to Year 7 studies next year.

Weekly Updates on 21/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 21-06-2024

Last week the PE team, teachers and TAs put on a wonderful Primary Sports Week. And this week it was the turn of Secondary. A massive thank you and well done to all involved for two weeks of incredible sport.

Weekly Updates on 21/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 21-06-2024

Weekly Updates on 21/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 21-06-2024

Weekly Updates on 21/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 21-06-2024

Over the past two months we have been going through a rigorous selection process for our 2024/2025 academic scholars. I am delighted to announce that I have offered 31 academic scholarships to BVIS students and 1 academic scholarship to a new student who will be joining the school in August. This is testament to the immense talent I know we have in our school. Congratulations to all the successful students and families. Well done!

It is inevitable in all international schools that some teachers move on, often for promoted posts or to return to their families at home. We wish all our leaving teachers the very best of luck and thank them for their service to the school. In particular, I know you will join me in saying a special thanks and farewell to Mr Peter Rao and Ms Lisa Shuttleworth-Brown who will be leaving this summer. They have given enormous service to the school over many years in a senior leadership capacity. We wish them both a very successful next stage of their journey, Peter in China and Lisa in France. Thank you.

Weekly Updates on 21/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 21-06-2024

Weekly Updates on 21/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 21-06-2024

This will be the final newsletter of the year. I wish to end by saying a huge thank you for your incredible support. It has been another super year at BVIS and I am already looking forward to the next one. For those families that are leaving, we wish the very best and please know you will always be very welcome back. We have a growing number of new applicants to the school and I am looking forward to welcoming them to the community in August.

Please be reminded that school will finish for students at 12.30pm on Wednesday 26th June.

I wish you all a very relaxing weekend ahead.

Weekly Updates on 01/03/2024 | BVIS Hanoi-Weekly Updates on 01-03-2024

School Value - Reflection

As we approach the end of the academic year, the teachers have been reflecting on all that the children have achieved this year. Children in Early Years made huge progress in such a small amount of time in their lives and every little step should be celebrated. In this final full week, the children have demonstrated achievements that were beyond them at the start of the year such as holding a pencil, making a two-footed jump, reading a book, communicating in a new language and sharing with friends to name but a few. Well done Early Years!

Weekly Updates on 21/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 21-06-2024

Sports Day

Last week, the Year 1 students participated enthusiastically in sports day. The children had the opportunity to take part in group physical activities such as relay racing, ball throwing, jumping, ... They had a wonderful day filled with much laughter!

Weekly Updates on 21/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 21-06-2024

Pirates and Parents

Last week the students of Year 2 got to perform their assembly for the whole school and families. The students bilingually performed pieces of drama, songs and hosted a quiz on warnings.

Weekly Updates on 21/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 21-06-2024

Story Writing

Year 3 have been so excited to do their story writing this term. They have worked so hard to include a clear narrative, speech and character reactions. We absolutely loved reading out stories to each other and including lots of expression and voices.

Weekly Updates on 21/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 21-06-2024


This week, Year 4 had their ‘Active Planet’ Exit Point. The students had the opportunity to share what they had learned through various engaging activities with their family members, such as reading and performing poetry in both Vietnamese and English and sharing their own information texts. The students worked in groups to present on earthquake safety and conducted a volcano eruption experiment… Sincere thanks to the parents for participating, helping the students become more confident and prouder of what they have learned this term

Weekly Updates on 21/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 21-06-2024

The Human Body

Year 5 had an incredibly impressive Exit Point session on the topic of "The Human Body" with many interesting and beneficial activities. This session not only helped the students reinforce their knowledge but also provided an opportunity for them to showcase their maturity and understanding in front of the parents. The presence of the parents brought great joy and motivation to the Year 5 students.

Weekly Updates on 21/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 21-06-2024

Cooperation and perseverance

Year 6 students and teachers have been very busy rehearsing for their Leavers Assembly. The students have been sharing their various talents with the school and putting in a lot of hard work.

Weekly Updates on 21/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 21-06-2024

Weekly Updates on 01/03/2024 | BVIS Hanoi-Weekly Updates on 01-03-2024


Congratulations to all students that received the top academic awards at our end of year assembly, we are very proud of you all!

Weekly Updates on 21/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 21-06-2024


Last week we held our annual art exhibition, the best ever! We showcased all the students' work from KS3 and displayed some of the work from our IGSCE and A Level students. We want to thank all the parents, students and staff that supported it and for their fabulous feedback, well done everyone!

Weekly Updates on 21/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 21-06-2024


Well done year 11! The end of year assembly was a fabulous occasion with nearly all Y11 students in attendance. They seemed to really enjoy being all together as a group one final time before they begin their A-Level journey at BVIS.

Weekly Updates on 21/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 21-06-2024

School value ENQUIRY

Year 7 Space STEAM project

In the final weeks of school, Year 7 have embarked on an ambitious Space project. Their mission is to research and design an interstellar ship capable of sustaining life should Earth face destruction. Working in teams, the students brainstormed ideas, delved into the complexities of growing food in space, and explored renewable energy sources beyond our planet.

Guiding them on this journey was Dr. Catriona Nguyen-Robertson from the Royal Society of Victoria, Australia. During her talk, she enlightened our students on the challenges of space travel and provided an awe-inspiring tour of the night sky. Following her talk, the students engaged in a vibrant Q&A session, posing impressive questions such as, “What is the most eco-friendly and efficient fuel for our ship?” and “Can we use soil from other planets to grow crops in space?”

Dr. Nguyen-Robertson praised the depth and ingenuity of the students' enquiring questions. This week, the Year 7 students will complete their designs and present their innovative solutions to their peers in the final science class of the academic year.

Weekly Updates on 21/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 21-06-2024


Weekly Updates on 01/03/2024 | BVIS Hanoi-Weekly Updates on 01-03-2024







24 June 2024 8.50-10.20AM Primary Sports Hall Year 3-4-5 Students & Parents Year 3-4-5 End of Term Awards
12.45-2.00PM Year 1-2 Students & Parents Year 1-2 End of Term Awards
2.15-3.00PM EYFS Students & Parents EYFS End of Term Awards



Notice: Last day of term 3 is on 26 June. Students leave school at 12.30pm. Students are on summer holiday from 27 June and come back to school on 15 August.

Have a nice summer break.

We wish you all a very relaxing weekend!

Senior Leadership Team from BVIS Hanoi