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14 June, 2024

Weekly Updates on 14/06/2024

Weekly Updates on 14/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 14-06-2024

Every week, BVIS Hanoi's Senior Leadership Team sends out an article to parents to highlight news of the week. The article includes four sections: updates from our Principal, Head of Primary, Head of Secondary and upcoming events announcement.

Weekly Updates on 01/03/2024 | BVIS Hanoi-Weekly Updates on 01-03-2024

Dear Parents

This evening we will have the pleasure of hosting the Year 13 Graduation ceremony at Landmark 72 Hotel. I am really looking forward to celebrating and saying goodbye to our departing Year 13 students.

Weekly Updates on 14/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 14-06-2024

On Wednesday I had the pleasure of attending the Secondary Academic Awards ceremony. There were so many students who have achieved excellence across all subjects in the school. Well done to everyone who won an award.

Weekly Updates on 14/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 14-06-2024

Weekly Updates on 14/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 14-06-2024

Weekly Updates on 14/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 14-06-2024

Weekly Updates on 14/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 14-06-2024

Weekly Updates on 14/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 14-06-2024

On Thursday evening our secondary students put on a fantastic drama performance. It is so refreshing to see our students perform so well on a stage setting. Well done to everyone involved.

Weekly Updates on 14/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 14-06-2024

Hopefully many of you will have seen the amazing Art exhibition that has been displayed last night. I know you will join me in thanking Ms Majella Shields, the Art Department and the students for a fantastic exhibition. Well done all. Rewatch a short Reel capturing a slide of the exhibition at HERE.

Weekly Updates on 14/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 14-06-2024

As well as the students in the school, it is important that we say thank you to all the staff from every department across the school for all they have achieved this year. On Saturday evening Mr Vaughan, Principal of BIS and I will be hosting an end of year celebration for all our staff from across both schools to thank them on behalf of our school communities for their immense efforts over the year.

I wish you all a very relaxing weekend ahead.

Weekly Updates on 01/03/2024 | BVIS Hanoi-Weekly Updates on 01-03-2024

Communication Skills

Stay and Play events this week in Early Years were a huge celebration of children’s achievements across the year. Children demonstrated to parents their learning and development, particularly Communication skills. They are able to communicate in two and in some cases three languages! Communication in Early Years can be verbal, by response or by gesture. They are supported by and encouraged to use both Vietnamese and English language and the results are wonderful to observe.

Weekly Updates on 14/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 14-06-2024

Bilingual Story Tellers

The children of Year 1 have grown into bilingual story tellers. Using this model has deveoped skills linked to communication and writing as the children immerse themselves in different stories. Being able to retell a story, internalise a story and then innovate a story in both languages is very impressive. Year 1 have been very successful as they begin to tell their own tale using language that they have learned this year.

Weekly Updates on 14/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 14-06-2024

Perseverance and Cooperation

Year 2 have been working extremely hard during Guided Reading sessions. They have shown perseverance and cooperation in their attitude to learning. Students have learned the skills of becoming ‘perfect partners’ in their reading time to support one another.

Weekly Updates on 14/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 14-06-2024

Costumes of the Nguyen Dynasty

In the IPC lesson, Year 3 students learned about the costumes of the Nguyen Dynasty. Afterward, the students worked in small groups, pooling their creativity and technical skills to recreate these costumes through collaborative effort faithfully.

Weekly Updates on 14/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 14-06-2024

Active Planet

This term, Year 4 have been engaging in the IPC topic ‘Active Planet’. In English and Vietnamese Literacy, they have explored information texts. They have written information texts about volcanoes and earthquakes and have begun publishing them. They are looking forward to sharing them with parents during the Year 4 Exit Point.

Weekly Updates on 14/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 14-06-2024

Caring and Respect

During IPC lessons, we could see Year 5’s excitement when they participated in extremely interesting experiential activities such as blindfolded navigation, message passing, and drawing to guess ideas. These activities provided the students with valuable lessons about the importance of different body parts and the challenges that people with disabilities face in life.

Weekly Updates on 14/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 14-06-2024

Weekly Updates on 14/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 14-06-2024

An Important Milestone in Year 6’s Educational Journey

This week, the Year 6 students experienced many interesting and meaningful moments together while preparing for the farewell ceremony for the Primary School.
This is a special event, marking an important milestone in their educational journey, transitioning from Primary School to Secondary School.

The lively and meaningful performances are being enthusiastically practiced by the students, promising to bring many emotions to the ceremony. Many students have taken the time to record short videos expressing their sincere thoughts about their time in Primary School, sharing memorable memories and gratitude towards their teachers and friends.

Weekly Updates on 14/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 14-06-2024

Weekly Updates on 01/03/2024 | BVIS Hanoi-Weekly Updates on 01-03-2024


Key Stage 3 Digital Society Robotic Arm Project
Mr. Gino Papa

7B having been working on their Robotic arm project that took some weeks. Eventually, they came up with incredible pieces of technology. They were absolutely fantastic, and they had a lot of fun when they attempted the challenge of lifting a paper cup!

Apart from their enthusiasm, Mr. Gino was so impressed by their inventiveness, focus and determination to go around technical issues; some of them – like The Khai or Minh Phuong – really showed skills he was not aware they had!

Mrs. Zerrin Wood

This term 7V, 7S, 8V, 8S and 9B have been working on Robotics unit in Digital Society . The students have been researching, presenting information and designing and developing a robotic arm.

Weekly Updates on 14/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 14-06-2024


On Sunday the 2nd June swimmers representing BVIS Dragons took part in the HAC swimming invitational held at UNIS. With over 400 swimmers registered it was a very busy event, which was well structured and organised.

Our swimmers ranged from Primary school age, all the way to key stage 4 and they were participating across all four strokes between 50 and 100m. The standard was extremely high with some exceptionally fast swimmers and our students represented our school community with effort, energy and enthusiasm. Some strong individual performances and some learning experiences highlighted the importance of events like this for our athletes.

We are very proud to have these students represent our school and are very thankful to all the support and energy from parents across the day.

Weekly Updates on 14/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 14-06-2024


Looking for something for your child to do this summer that is interesting, challenging and will look great on their CV? Why not encourage them to get involved in this competition?

Weekly Updates on 14/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 14-06-2024

Weekly Updates on 14/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 14-06-2024

Let me introduce our fabulous PE Department

Weekly Updates on 14/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 14-06-2024

Weekly Updates on 14/06/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 14-06-2024


Weekly Updates on 01/03/2024 | BVIS Hanoi-Weekly Updates on 01-03-2024







17-18 June 2024 3.30-6.30PM Classrooms EYFS & Primary Parents PTCs
 19 June 2024 2.00-3.00PM Year 4 Classrooms Year 4 Parents Year 4 Exit Point
20 June 2024  1.25-2.25PM Primary Sports Hall Year 6 Parents Year 6 Leavers Assembly
3.30-6.30PM  Secondary Auditorium Year 6 Graduation
21 June 2024  1.30-3.30PM Year 1 Classrooms & Primary Sports Hall Year 1 Parents Year 1 Exit Point








20 June 2024 3.30-6.30PM Secondary Auditorium Year 10 Parents & Students PTC Year 10
21 June 2024  5.00-8.00PM Secondary Auditorium Students who got tickets Prom 2024

We wish you all a very relaxing weekend!

Senior Leadership Team from BVIS Hanoi