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06 September, 2024

Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024

Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024

Every week, BVIS Hanoi's Senior Leadership Team sends out an article to parents to highlight news of the week. The article includes four sections: updates from our Principal, Head of Primary, Head of Secondary and upcoming events announcement.

Weekly Updates on 01/03/2024 | BVIS Hanoi-Weekly Updates on 01-03-2024


Dear families,

I trust you had a good holiday with your families. 

In school last Friday we had some amazing Vietnam National Day assemblies to enjoy.

Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024


Our exam results have now been verified and I am pleased to say we have achieved some of the best results ever at A Level and IGCSE – well done to students and staff for an amazing set of outcomes. 

Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024

Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024

Next week I am hosting the first in a series of information sessions about the curriculum. Please see details below and I hope many of you will be able to attend: 

11th Sept, from 8h45-10h00: Pre IGCSE Options Information Session, please register HERE

12th Septfrom14h00-15h30: Pre A-Level Options Information Session, please register


 We have already enjoyed many information sessions and coffee mornings in school and we will continue you these throughout the term. Thank you to everyone who had the time to attend.

Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024


We are aware of the coming Typhoon. We have been monitoring closely and are ensuring the school campus is well prepared for the weekend, whatever transpires. Please take good care of each other and stay safe over the coming days. I hope the storm passes quickly with minimal impact.

Weekly Updates on 01/03/2024 | BVIS Hanoi-Weekly Updates on 01-03-2024


Cooperative play

The unfolding of the first few weeks of a new academic year is a gradual process. It is the time to celebrate small steps in development and new achievements. The children in Early Years are starting to demonstrate partnership play and cooperative play as they explore the many exciting activities of this week.  


Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024


Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024

Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024

Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024

Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024


In English and Vietnamese, Year 1 are exploring journey stories with a focus on character descriptions. Students listen to model texts and learn vocabulary related to the stories through various engaging activities, including slap card games, a "What’s Missing?" game, and memory games to find matching pairs of word cards. 


Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024

Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024

Focused on phonics

It's great to hear that Year 2 students are focused on phonics this week. Teachers love to see how students are engaged in learning at home with these vocabularies. Some students have shared their writing sentences using the new vocabulary words.  


Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024

Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024


Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024

Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024


Environmental impact

This week, Year 3 students have been learning to use ‘action’ words and ‘where’ words in their writing. Children have been writing sentences about the animals in The Great Kapok Tree story, carefully considering how each animal would move and where it might live within the rainforest. In IPC lessons, Year 3 students have been learning about why people might chop down trees in the rainforest, and thinking about the impact this might have on people, animals and the planet.  


Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024

Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024

Communication and enquiry

Year 4 showed excellent skills of communication and enquiry using actions and expression to internalise ‘Hiccup - The Viking who got Seasick’. 


Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024

Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024

Creative and scientific freedom

In Year 5, during STEAM lessons, the students have been learning about combining mechanical and electronic engineering to design, create, and improve electric, propellor-powered cars. They thoroughly enjoyed having full creative (and scientific) freedom to approach the objective any way they liked as a team.  


Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024

Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024


Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024

Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024

Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024

Collaborative Learning

In Year 6, the students worked together to internalise their model texts in English and Vietnamese. They learned actions, drew pictures, played Hot Seat and other games to ensure they have a strong understanding of the vocabulary and story structure. They worked through the initial stages of Talk for Writing in Vietnamese and English, including boxing up their model text and brainstorming ideas (Idea Jam) for other students of the same genre.  


Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024

 Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024

Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024

Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024

Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024



Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024


An update from Ms Claire

I hope that all students and their families had a lovely holiday weekend.  This is a short, but busy week in BVIS Secondary.

Last Friday we were all treated to a wonderful student led assembly to mark Independance Day.  This was led by Tran Gia Bao and Trịnh Thu Trang (both Year 12) who were confident hosts.  We were treated to a beautiful dance performance and a song from the Year 8 Band.   We were also impressed with the historical knowledge of the wider student body as they eagerly took part in a quiz. This was a fantastic event and staff and students alike were proud of the students who led this. The full list of performers can be found below;

Hoang An Thai Trinh

Bui Khanh Hoa

Nguyen Lam Vy

Pham Minh Khue

Le Minh Phuong

Dang Kieu Ngan

Nguyen Vu Bang Bang

Trinh Kieu Vy

Nguyen Trang Anh

Pham Tung Anh

Nguyen Duc Manh

Le Tuan Phong

Nguyen Hoang Van

Nguyen Minh Ha

Nguyen Tran Nhat Minh

Ngo Trinh Nha Uyen


Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024

Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024


Caring Month

In September, our secondary school will celebrate the value of caring. We have planned several exciting activities, including thank you notes and an interactive caring gallery where students can share their ideas. During form time, we will reinforce the importance of caring to build strong relationships as well as the need to demonstrate care and empathy online. Students who wish to go above and beyond are encouraged to participate in the Caring Challenge. For more details, please ask students to check Teams.


Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024


What’s been happening in Maths?

8V had their first Inquiry lesson where they worked in groups to investigate a mathematical statement, write down what they knew, and ask questions about what they wanted to find out. They chose their line of inquiry as a team and developed their ideas using algebra and number practice. Great team work skills!


What’s been happening in History?

Year 9 are currently studying WW1, propaganda posters and life in the trenches. The students made some beautiful propaganda posters and wrote some incredible and wonderfully authentic looking letters home from the trenches.


Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024

Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024


What’s been happening in Drama

Year 8 have been studying Macbeth in Drama



Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024

Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024

Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024

Weekly Updates on 06/09/2024 | BVIS Hanoi - Weekly Updates on 06-09-2024


University Visits




School /Fair


Parents able to visit


9 Sept


Shibaura Inst of Technology


Not at this time

BVIS 6th Form

11 Sept


Lawrence University

Liberal Arts & conservartory

Yes from1pm to 1:30pm

BVIS 6th Form

11 Sept


California College of Arts

Arts & Architecture

Yes from 1pm to 1:30pm

BVIS 6th Form

12 Sept



+100 Universities

Not at this time, only for Year 12 & Year 13

BIS, Long Bien

13 Sept


Hong Kong Poly U

Other HK universities may join

Not at this time

BVIS 6th Form

18 Sept


Wren SEA University Tour

12 Universities from USA

Yes, at10:50am

BVIS 6th Form

19 Sept


Case Western Reserve


Yes at10:50am

BVIS 6th Form

20 Sept


Gettysberg College


Yes from1pm-1:30

BVIS 6th Form


Weekly Updates on 01/03/2024 | BVIS Hanoi-Weekly Updates on 01-03-2024










2:00- 3:00 pm

Primary Library

Year 1&2 Parents

Parent workshop: Supporting your Child succeed in Y1/ Y2


8:45- 9:30 am

Primary Library

Year 3 Parents

Year 3 coffee morning


3:00- 4:00 pm

Primary Library

Year 4,5&6 Parents

Residential Trip Info Session


1:00-2:00 am

Primary Sports Hall

All Parents & Students

Moon Festival Assembly


2:00-3:00 pm


All Parents & Students

Moon Festival Activities











8.45am - 10.00 am


Secondary Auditorium

KS3 parents

Pre option parent meeting with Principal


2.00pm - 3.30 pm

Secondary Auditorium

KS4 parents

Pre option parent meeting with Principal


8.30am - 9.30 am

Secondary Auditorium


BVIS Secondary all teachers and students

                Moon Festival Assembly

We wish you all a very relaxing weekend!

Senior Leadership Team from BVIS Hanoi