Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
10 September, 2024

The New Look of the MET's Iconic Jaguar Mascot

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The Metropolitan School of Panama is excited to showcase its recently enhanced jaguar mascot costume, which continues to bring fresh energy and school pride to every corner of the MET community. This updated costume builds on the beloved symbol that has long represented the strength, unity, and spirit of the school.
A Tradition of school spirit
The jaguar has long been a symbol of MET’s identity, representing qualities like strength, determination, and resilience—values that the school promotes in its students. Over the years, the mascot has been a familiar presence at school events, sports matches, and celebrations, bringing students, staff, and families together. The refreshed costume continues this tradition, helping to maintain a sense of connection and school pride across the MET community.

Bringing more energy to every event
The jaguar mascot will continue to be an important part of school events, contributing to the overall atmosphere and fostering school pride:
1. At Sports Events: The jaguar will be present at games and tournaments, cheering for our teams and helping to build a positive, energetic environment for the whole MET community, encouraging teamwork and perseverance.
2. At School Celebrations: Whether it's an assembly or a cultural event, the jaguar adds an element of fun to these gatherings, making them more engaging and enjoyable for students and families.
3. Connecting with the Community: The jaguar will also play a role in community outreach activities, representing the MET’s involvement beyond the school. As part of various initiatives, the mascot helps demonstrate the school’s commitment to supporting and connecting with the wider community.

Let’s Celebrate Together!
The enhanced jaguar mascot costume continues to bring excitement and pride to the MET community, adding extra energy to every event. Be sure to catch the jaguar in action at upcoming games and celebrations. Don’t forget to share your favorite moments and photos using the hashtag #METJaguars, as we come together to celebrate our school spirit.

Go MET Jaguars!