Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
08 July, 2024

MET Jaguars at AASCA Swimming: María Josefina Ll.'s Perspective on Perseverance and Pride

MET Jaguars at AASCA Swimming: Maria Jimena C.'s Perspective on Perseverance and Pride  - AASCA Swimming 2024
As a grade 9 student and dedicated member of the MET Jaguars swim team, I am honored to present a reflection on our recent participation in the AASCA swim competition held in Guatemala. This extraordinary experience served as a testament to the dedication, resilience, and pride that define our athletics program. The journey to AASCA was marked by rigorous training, unexpected challenges, and the forging of lifelong bonds.

As a grade 9 student and dedicated member of the MET Jaguars swim team, I am honored to present a reflection on our recent participation in the AASCA swim competition held in Guatemala. This extraordinary experience served as a testament to the dedication, resilience, and pride that define our athletics program. The journey to AASCA was marked by rigorous training, unexpected challenges, and the forging of lifelong bonds.

The unique demands of the AASCA format, including the 200-meter races that stretched our abilities beyond our usual competitions, required us to adapt and excel in unfamiliar territory. Furthermore, the cooler climate of Guatemala prompted us to adjust our training regimen to ensure optimal performance in the colder waters. However, the path to AASCA took an unforeseen turn when our team of 39 swimmers was reduced to 15 due to unforeseen circumstances. While this news was met with disappointment, it also ignited a renewed sense of determination within our team. We resolved to represent MET with pride and demonstrate the strength that arises from adversity.

MET Jaguars at AASCA Swimming: Maria Jimena C.'s Perspective on Perseverance and Pride  - AASCA Swimming 2024

In Guatemala, the intensity of the competition was palpable. Two daily swimming sessions pushed us to our physical and mental limits. Yet, amidst this, we found strength in our shared purpose: to compete not only for our personal achievements but also for the honor of our school and our country.

Beyond the competition itself, AASCA provided an invaluable opportunity for personal and interpersonal growth. We forged meaningful connections with fellow athletes from across the region, deepening our relationships with teammates and fostering a sense of camaraderie that will undoubtedly enrich our school community.

I extend my gratitude to Coach Ricardo, Coach Ricky, Mr. Duran, our devoted chaperone Sandrine, and all the parents who supported us on this incredible journey. Your encouragement and belief in our abilities was instrumental in our success.

While we aspire for our entire team to participate in AASCA next year, we are immensely proud of the achievements of our dedicated jaguars this year. We remain committed to upholding MET's legacy of excellence in both academics and athletics, and we eagerly anticipate the opportunities that lie ahead.

MET Jaguars at AASCA Swimming: Maria Jimena C.'s Perspective on Perseverance and Pride  - AASCA Swimming 2024

MET Jaguars at AASCA Swimming: Maria Jimena C.'s Perspective on Perseverance and Pride  - AASCA Swimming 2024

Thanks to the MET for this amazing opportunity! Go Jaguars!

María Josefina Ll.

Grade 9 Student

If you want to see more about this amazing experience, click here.