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Years 4, 5 and 6 embrace 'The Big Shakespeare Festival'. Year 5 explore different musical dynamics vocabulary. Find out what was discussed during the STA hosted Fobisia Sustainability Conference for international school teachers in Thailand. Finally, keep an eye out for the new charity event to help those in need!
The children in FS2 have finally found out which dinosaurs were roaming around the school through fun activities and research. They know which are herbivores and which are carnivores so we can now entice them away with food. Well done FS2 Paleontologists!
Check out the amazing book here!
Last week the upper primary students took a break from their regular VSE activities for a day to take part in the Big Shakespeare Festival hosted by the NAE Global Campus. After studying the story of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream,’ the students embarked upon different challenges to bring this magical play to life. There were costume designs, musical compilations and performance, dance choreography and drama performances. You can have a look at the following link to find out more about this festival - Shakespeare Festival - NAE Global Campus
The students did some absolutely fantastic work for this activity, here are some of the highlights:
In music this week, Year 5 were exploring dynamics and developing their understanding of different musical dynamics vocabulary. To demonstrate their understanding they created these fantastic Word Art pictures that reflect the meaning of the words.
Check out the creativity from Aidan, Arthur and Tan !
Saturday May 15th saw STA host a FOBISIA virtual Sustainability conference for teachers in International Schools around Thailand. This event was an opportunity to share what different schools are doing to embed the vital education of living in a sustainable way, into their curriculums and school outlooks. There were some very interesting presentations from different schools sharing how they educate their students in this vital area. There were also presentations from companies like ‘Less Plastic Thailand’ and the wonderful ‘Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation’ that showed ways to involve students in an engaging way to support the environment and local wildlife. A big thank you to Mr Ewen and Mrs Susan who ran such a successful event.
As Mr Paul mentioned in the Head’s Lines this week, the appeal to help the people of India has been very successful thanks to your generosity. Look out this week for another chance to get involved with an event to help! Will you be a STAr?