Image_ StAndrews_Bangkok_093

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

  • How long does the admissions process take?
    From the moment we offer your child a place, it should take no longer than two weeks to complete the process. There are a few factors involved, however, and each family’s admissions journey is different. Don’t worry, though, we’ll support you through each stage.
  • When can my child start?
    Your child can join us at any time during the academic year, provided we have places available.
  • How does the process differ if my company is paying the tuition fees?
    If your company is paying your child’s fees, our admissions and finance teams are happy to deal with them directly. Please let us know as early as possible in the application process.
  • When do I need to pay the application fee?
    You’ll need to pay our application fee after you’ve accepted our written offer of a place.
  • What curricula will my child follow?

    Our students follow globally respected curriculum pathways that support them from the early years through to graduation.

    Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

    English National Curriculum (Key Stages 1-3).

    IGCSEs (Key Stage 4).

    International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP).

  • What size are your classes?
    Our early years children learn in an average class size of 15, with a teacher/teaching assistant to student ratio of 1:6. At primary and secondary, our average class size is 20.
  • Do you offer students additional support?
    We run a successful English as an Additional Language (EAL) programme for students who need extra help with their English speaking, writing, and comprehension. We also offer a Learning Support programme for students who need supplementary academic, behavioural, or social development support.
  • What languages do you teach?
    We encourage our students to learn new languages and experience different cultures. At all ages, we teach English, Thai, French, German, Japanese, and Korean. Native language speakers are taught certain subjects in their mother tongue. Our extra-curricular programme includes a range of linguistic and cultural activities, including Mandarin (various levels) and Arabic for beginners.
  • What nationalities are represented at your school?
    We’re home to children, families, and staff from more than 60 countries.
  • Where can I find the school's term and holiday dates?
    You’ll find all our key dates on our calendar as well as other helpful documents here.
  • Do you run a bus service?
    Yes, we provide a free shuttle bus service. Please see our transport page for more information.
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