Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
13 June, 2024

Natalie | St Andrews Senior Highlights 2024

Natalie | St Andrews Senior Highlights 2024 - Natalie Senior Highlights 2024


Take us through your IB experience. How has the IB Diploma Programme been for you?

I took Psychology, English, and Biology for my HLs (Higher Levels), and for my SLs (Standard Levels) I took Business, Mandarin, and Maths AA (Analysis and Approaches). I think the IB Diploma is a very diverse programme
it prepares us for the real world and it provides us with opportunities to discover our various interests. So, it doesn’t restrict us to one pathway in life; it expands our opportunities to look at other possible careers.


If I wanted to go into Business, I could. If I wanted to pursue Bioengineering, I could as well. The programme doesn’t limit us in finding what we want to do in life, which I think is really good.


Why have you chosen Psychology for your Bachelor’s?


Psychology is something that has sparked my interest since I started learning about it. I really like the real-world applications that psychology has led me to discover. I think it really expands my critical thinking skills, because it makes me think of real-life implications; how it applies to real situations in life.


So, I’m so happy to accept my offer in Bath, because I also applied for a work placement. I’ll do two years of study in the course, then my third year will be in a work enviroment, and then my fourth year will focus on my dissertation. 


Any idea of what you want to pursue after your Bachelor’s?


Currently, I’m not too sure. I like Psychology, but I don’t know where I want to go with it yet. If I were to become a psychologist or psychiatrist, I would have to study for four more years after my Bachelor’s. I might go into the biological perspective in psychology; I really like Biology in the IB. Neuroscience is a possibility. But I haven’t really decided if I want to be a researcher or a practitioner in the industry, so, I’ll see. Just go with the flow!