Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
03 July, 2024

STA Career Day 2024: Industry professionals share insights with STA students

STA Career Day 2024: Industry professionals share insights with STA students - STA Career Day 2024

As part of the Careers programme at St Andrews International School Bangkok, Year 10 and Year 12 students had the chance to hear from visiting industry professionals, including our alumni, in a wide variety of future pathways to find out if these careers were something they would be keen to explore.

A panel of speakers from various industries


On Friday 14th June 2024, we welcomed 20 industry speakers to St Andrews Bangkok High School, ranging from business owners and entrepreneurs, to doctors and other medical professionals, to hospitality managers, and even professional artists and actors. Our guests took turns speaking to our Year 10 and Year 12 students, sharing valuable experiences and insights.


The morning panel discussions allowed both year groups to come together and hear about routes into certain professions, qualifications needed, and, more importantly, the interpersonal skills valued in a working environment and practical steps students could take to ensure their future success.

In-depth group sessions


After the break, the Year 10 students had the opportunity to engage more directly with chosen speakers in small group sessions, allowing for more in-depth questions and answers about working in a given profession. These sessions allowed for quality discussions, painting a clearer picture of what awaits the students in their professional life to come.


At St Andrews Bangkok, it is our duty to ensure that our graduating students will move on as resilient, global citizens. Knowing what to do after graduation is at the forefront of many of our student's minds, so these opportunities to get informed from various sources are an invaluable support in their education. After all, learning from those with experience is what better equips us for the future.