Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
26 April, 2021

Managing Challenging Behaviour - Online Workshop for PBIS Parents

Managing Challenging Behaviour - Online Workshop for PBIS Parents - managing-challenging-behaviour--online-workshop-for-pbis-parents
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Children should be taught from an early age that aggression is a response of feeling anger is not something that happens automatically. It is one of the many options we have. And it is us who decides how are we going to react.
Managing Challenging Behaviour - Online Workshop for PBIS Parents In children, there is a direct link between how they feel and how they behave: they feel good-they behave well, they feel bad-they behave badly. Some aggression is normal and even healthy (especially these days) and not necessarily bad but aggressive behavior in children can also be a symptom of many different underlying problems.

We invited Mrs. Blažková from Academy of Parenting, Private Child & Family Psychological Services who led the Managing Challenging Behaviour - Online Workshop for Parents.

In children, there is a direct link between how they feel and how they behave: they feel good-they behave well, they feel bad-they behave badly. Some aggression is normal and even healthy (especially these days) and not necessarily bad but aggressive behavior in children can also be a symptom of many different underlying problems. 

We discussed factors that can contribute to a child’s struggles with anger, irritability, and aggression toward himself/herself or others. We examined ways of managing anger and responding appropriately when dealing with aggression (maybe not only in our children).

At the end many of our parents asked questions and we believe that it was useful for them.