Ages 2 to 5


At The Prague British International School, our preschool children learn through purposeful play, which provides plenty of opportunities for discovery, exploration, and adventure. Activities stimulate curious minds, helping our youngest children hit the seven EYFS areas of learning and development.
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Our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum

Every day in our dedicated Early Years Centre is packed with moments that inspire awe and wonder. Through an ever-changing mix of practical learning activities, we ensure our children are motivated and engaged. Your child will create, craft and construct in our colourful classrooms, develop their motor skills in our playground, and learn about animals and plants in the forest. 


At this formative stage in their education, our teachers guide your child through seven key development areas:

Key Development Areas
  • Expressive arts and design
  • Communication and language
  • Literacy
  • Maths
  • Physical development
  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Understanding the world
Early Years
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The areas are taught through a blend of structured play and adult-led activities that spark our students’ imaginations. We know that children learn best when they’re discovering new things, exploring, creating, and getting hands-on.

We also prepare our children for life outside the classroom. Personal, social and emotional development sessions focus on wellbeing and making friends, and give our students a sense of belonging in a group outside their family.


We accept applications throughout the school year and encourage you to get in touch with us to start your admissions journey.

Enquire today for more information and to schedule a visit to our campus.

British Preschool, Prague | Prague British International School - Admissions Open