Ages 11 TO 16


At The Prague British International School, our secondary curricula shapes our students’ futures. Both our IB Middle Years Programme* (ages 11-14) and IGCSE (ages 14-16) programme deliver one-of-a-kind learning experiences, provided by outstanding teachers, and an unrivalled array of choice. Learning in these phases invites students to take risks, develop their interests and challenge their thinking. 
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IB Middle Years Programme*

Our 11 to 14-year-old students follow the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP). The MYP is an internationally recognised curriculum framework, which values holistic learning through academic and personal growth. A concept-based curriculum, the MYP invites students to ask thought-provoking questions and create innovative solutions to real-world challenges, all while developing personally as reflective and resilient learners.


The MYP structures learning around 8 subject groups: Language and Literature, Language Acquisition, Individuals and Societies, Integrated Sciences, Mathematics, Physical Health and Education, Design and Arts (Visual and Performing). Students learn through an inquiry-based approach to learning – investigating problems and grappling with complex ideas framed by global contexts. Learning is frequently collaborative, and students are challenged to develop skills in effective communication and self-regulation. The MYP truly develops lifelong learners


Enrichment learning features highly our Key Stage 3 programme. All students participate in enrichment activities, where they take risks, make new friends, and grow further. We offer a variety of athletics, arts and community engagement activities through enrichment to complement our academic programme.


International General Certificate of Secondary Education (igcse)

Our IGCSE programme prepares students for the IB Diploma Programme, balancing required and elective studies from each subject area. All students take courses in English, Maths, and Coordinated Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology). From there, students select at least one optional course from each of the remaining subject areas: Languages; Humanities; Arts, PE, and Computer Sciences. This balance of subjects ensures flexibility for students to follow their interests, whilst developing deeper subject specialisation as they grow through our secondary school. At the end of two years, students sit external Cambridge International Education IGCSE examinations (May-June of Year 11), with certificates awarded in August of the exam year.


To support our students to transition through our secondary school, our IGCSE decision-making process begins in Key Stage 3. Students participate in transition days, expert lessons, receive personalised career guidance and attend our options evenings – all to help them identify what challenges and inspires them. All courses are taught by subject specialists with a deep passion for learning, and our Enrichment Programme extends through all of secondary.


Our Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 curricula are always evolving. We continually review our course offer to ensure we provide the widest variety of experiences and opportunities for our students. 

KS3 and IGCSE School, Prague | Prague British International School - IGCSE
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IGCSE Booklet

IGCSE.pdf (8 MB)



We accept applications throughout the school year and encourage you to get in touch with us to start your admissions journey.

Enquire today for more information and to schedule a visit to our campus.

KS3 and IGCSE School, Prague | Prague British International School - Admissions Open
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*PBIS is a Candidate School for the Middle Years Programme. We are currently pursuing authorization as an IB World School. Candidate and Authorised IB schools share a common philosophy—a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that PBIS believes is important for our students. Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its four academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), the Diploma Programme, or the Career-related Programme (CP).  Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted.