
Why LAMDA Exams Matter – Build Confidence and Become a Pro in Drama

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Born to Be Entrepreneurs?! Meet Jaroslav and Michal: our students who achieved a great success at the JA Czech competition.

Michal and Jaroslav, our IB students and members of the Entrepreneurship Club, have clear expectations from the club: they want to learn about themselves and enhance their knowledge and skills in building a business.

“The school offers so many options that make life more flexible and enriching,” Michal said, and here’s what they both had to say about their experience with the Entrepreneurship Club.

Extra Curricular Activities Prague British International School
Dominik's STEAM Journey: From Motivating PBIS Students to Engineering Computer Networks
As the saying goes, if you want something done right, you’ve got to do it yourself. Now at the Faculty of Informatics at CVUT (Czech Technical University in Prague), Dominik’s journey to studying computer science began out of obstinance–he didn’t want to pay anyone else to run his servers, so he figured out how to do it. He hasn’t forgotten his roots, though. Now he pays it forward by mentoring PBIS (Prague British International School) students through a collaboration with his university in hopes of inspiring the next generation of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) academics. 
PBIS Alumni
96% rodičů potvrzuje: Česko Britská Základní Škola je místem, kde jsou děti šťastné.

Hledáte pro své dítě školu, která mu otevře dveře do světa neomezených možností? Česko Britská Základní Škola (ČBZŠ) v Praze je tím pravým místem, kde se potkává to nejlepší z českého i britského vzdělávacího systému. Díky pečlivě vybranému kurikulu kombinujeme Národní kurikulum v Anglii s českými vzdělávacími osnovami. Naším cílem není jen zvýšit akademické dovednosti našich studentů, ale také podpořit jejich osobnostní růst. Víme, že inovativní přístup ke vzdělávání, a to jak ve třídách, tak i mimo ně, probouzí v dětech přirozenou zvídavost a lásku k učení, a jsme přesvědčeni, že to jim zajistí úspěch na jejich životní cestě.

PBIS_2022  (10)

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News image LAMDA Exams at PBIS - What are LAMDA exams News | Art, Music & Drama
Why LAMDA Exams Matter – Build Confidence and Become a Pro in Drama

If your child loves drama, public speaking, or simply wants to build confidence, you might be looking for ways to help them develop these skills.

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News image Extra Curricular Activities Prague British International School News | Secondary
Born to Be Entrepreneurs?! Meet Jaroslav and Michal: our students who achieved a great success at the JA Czech competition.

Michal and Jaroslav, our IB students and members of the Entrepreneurship Club, have clear expectations from the club: they want to learn about themselves and enhance their knowledge and skills in building a business.

“The school offers so many options that make life more flexible and enriching,” Michal said, and here’s what they both had to say about their experience with the Entrepreneurship Club.

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News image Engineering the Future: Ilyes’ Ambitious Hydrogen Jet Engine Project - PBIS Alumni Network - Ilyes News | Secondary | Homepage Feature
Engineering the Future: Ilyes’ Ambitious Hydrogen Jet Engine Project

Come on, it’s not rocket science. For some people it is! A 2022 graduate from PBIS, Ilyes is currently working on his bachelor's degree with a focus on mechanical engineering, physics, and computer science at Sorbonne University in Paris. Apart from his academic work, he’s also working on a modest side project: developing a jet engine. His approach, in his own words, is to “learn as much as possible about everything” so he can apply his knowledge to real-world situations and make the world a smarter, better place.


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News image PBIS Alumni News | Homepage Feature | Secondary
Dominik's STEAM Journey: From Motivating PBIS Students to Engineering Computer Networks
As the saying goes, if you want something done right, you’ve got to do it yourself. Now at the Faculty of Informatics at CVUT (Czech Technical University in Prague), Dominik’s journey to studying computer science began out of obstinance–he didn’t want to pay anyone else to run his servers, so he figured out how to do it. He hasn’t forgotten his roots, though. Now he pays it forward by mentoring PBIS (Prague British International School) students through a collaboration with his university in hopes of inspiring the next generation of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) academics. 
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News image PBIS_2022  (10) News | Primary
96% rodičů potvrzuje: Česko Britská Základní Škola je místem, kde jsou děti šťastné.

Hledáte pro své dítě školu, která mu otevře dveře do světa neomezených možností? Česko Britská Základní Škola (ČBZŠ) v Praze je tím pravým místem, kde se potkává to nejlepší z českého i britského vzdělávacího systému. Díky pečlivě vybranému kurikulu kombinujeme Národní kurikulum v Anglii s českými vzdělávacími osnovami. Naším cílem není jen zvýšit akademické dovednosti našich studentů, ale také podpořit jejich osobnostní růst. Víme, že inovativní přístup ke vzdělávání, a to jak ve třídách, tak i mimo ně, probouzí v dětech přirozenou zvídavost a lásku k učení, a jsme přesvědčeni, že to jim zajistí úspěch na jejich životní cestě.

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News image PBIS Alumna, Laura, on her journey through Biochemistry at King's College London - PBIS Alumni Network - Laura News | Primary
PBIS Alumna, Laura, on Her Journey through Biochemistry at King's College London

Despite figuring out what she wanted to study only when filling out the university applications, Laura’s list of accomplishments is not only impressive, it’s growing. She recently graduated top of her class with a bachelor's degree in biochemistry from King's College London, interned at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, and was awarded six prizes including the Jelf Medal for academic excellence and extracurricular involvement from her university. This autumn, she starts her PhD at the University of Oxford. Her journey has been full of surprises and unexpected twists, but one lesson remains the same–you can’t do anything alone.

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News image IB Results 2024 News | Homepage Feature | Secondary | School News |
Celebrating IBDP Results 2024: PBIS Students Achieving Personal Milestones
Celebrate the incredible achievements of PBIS students in the 2024 International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. Discover their impressive scores and future academic destinations.
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News image Silver Distinction for Social Impact - Silver Distinction for Social Impact Blog
Celebrating PBIS Students: Achieving Silver Distinction for Social Impact
Proud moment for Prague British International School as we receive the NAE Social Impact Distinction at Silver. Our commitment to children's rights, the SDGs, and social impact shines through our programmes and student engagement. Discover more about our journey towards sustainability, equality, and respect.
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News image Duke of Edinburgh International Award - Duke of Edinburgh International Award Blog
The Duke of Edinburgh International Award: Building Skills and Creating Memories
The Duke of Edinburgh International Award is more than just hiking. It includes volunteering, fitness, skill-building, and exciting adventures to help students grow. Discover how this globally recognised programme develops resilience, leadership, and self-management skills in young people.
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News image News Detail - Hands-on Learning Blog | Primary
Under the Open Sky: The benefits of Outdoor Learning
Our holistic education programme extends beyond classroom walls, fostering resilience, creativity, and a love for nature. Explore our Forest School and adventurous residential trips that prepare students for a sustainable future.
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News image From Classroom to Real World: The Duke's Award Journey at PBIS - Junior Duke Blog | Primary | Secondary
From Classroom to Real World: The Duke's Award Journey at PBIS
Discover the International Duke's Award at Prague British International School (PBIS) – an adventure in personal development. From first aid to cooking and outdoor skills, students from Early Years to Secondary are building independence and resilience. Learn about their journey and the hands-on challenges leading to this prestigious award, fostering teamwork and confidence. Join us in celebrating their achievements.
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