academic excellence

PBIS - snippet academic excellencePBIS - snippet academic excellence
Key Facts
World's top 100 universities
Our students’ academic success takes them to the best universities, including Oxford and Stanford.
Up there with Europe's best
Our IBDP score of 33, which is 10% above the global average.


At PBIS, our students learn using the world’s most highly regarded British and International curricula. Our world-class teachers challenge, engage, and nurture talents, delivering a breadth of exceptional learning experiences that ensure every child flourishes.

Our results show that this holistic approach works. With an average points score of 33, our students surpassed the global average by 10%. This outstanding academic success takes them to the world’s best universities, including Cambridge, King’s College London, and the University of Hong Kong.

Academic Excellence | Prague British International School - Secondary Introduction
Early years
  • Early years
  • Primary
  • Secondary


We’re committed to academic excellence and personalised learning, which is why our students follow a structured blend of British and international curricula. This includes the Cambridge IGCSE and IBDP, which provide respected pathways to outstanding higher education across the globe.

Taught by our highly qualified, inspirational teachers, lessons are enriched by exceptional learning experiences and collaborations with world-leading organisations like The Juilliard School, UNICEF, and MIT.

Academic Excellence | Prague British International School - Curricula Overview
2 to 5 years old
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Our youngest children discover, create, and play in our dedicated Early Years Centre. Every day is an exciting new adventure, packed with hands-on activities that cultivate curiosity and help them hit important milestones.
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our curricula

We’re committed to academic excellence and personalised learning, which is why our students follow a structured blend of British and international curricula. This includes the Cambridge IGCSE and IBDP, which provide respected pathways to outstanding higher education across the globe.

Taught by our highly qualified, inspirational teachers, lessons are enriched by exceptional learning experiences and collaborations with world-leading organisations like The Juilliard School, UNICEF, and MIT.

curricula logo england curriculum
5 to 11 years old
English National Curriculum and International Primary Curriculum (IPC)
Blending two globally respected curricula, our thematic approach to learning nurtures our students’ natural curiosity and creativity. Outstanding teachers develop literacy, numeracy, and social skills – preparing your child for the next stage in their education.
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Academic Excellence | Prague British International School - Curricula Overview
5 to 11 years old
Czech National Curriculum and International Primary Curriculum (IPC)
Our Czech British Primary School (Česko Britská Základní Škola) combines the best in Czech and international education. Taught by bilingual teachers in small class sizes, our Czech students master the core subjects and languages, and discover the joys of learning.


We’re committed to academic excellence and personalised learning, which is why our students follow a structured blend of British and international curricula. This includes the Cambridge IGCSE and IBDP, which provide respected pathways to outstanding higher education across the globe.

Taught by our highly qualified, inspirational teachers, lessons are enriched by exceptional learning experiences and collaborations with world-leading organisations like The Juilliard School, UNICEF, and MIT.

curricula logo england curriculum
11 to 16 years old
English National Curriculum
Our secondary curriculum supports our Key Stage 3 and IGCSE students' personal and academic growth, helping to unlock their full potential. Through a blend of specialist teaching and exceptional experiences, your child will become an independent learner and critical thinker – preparing them for the IBDP.


We’re committed to academic excellence and personalised learning, which is why our students follow a structured blend of British and international curricula. This includes the Cambridge IGCSE and IBDP, which provide respected pathways to outstanding higher education across the globe.

Taught by our highly qualified, inspirational teachers, lessons are enriched by exceptional learning experiences and collaborations with world-leading organisations like The Juilliard School, UNICEF, and MIT.

curricula logo IB
16 to 19 years old
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP)
The IBDP is the perfect springboard to the world’s top universities. Through our holistic approach we nurture independent, knowledgeable and caring young people. Our IBDP pushes students to excel academically, socially, and personally.
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PBIS_2022  (10) Academic Excellence | Prague British International School - Key Fact Tiles
  • Early Years
  • Primary
  • Secondary

early years

Our youngest students learn through purposeful play, guided by inspirational teachers who create unique opportunities for discovery, exploration, and adventure.
Average class size:
Teacher-student ratio:
Age range:


Combining two internationally respected curricula, our primary programme is packed with outstanding learning experiences. Our teachers nurture students’ growth, ensuring they develop vital literacy, numeracy, and social skills.
Average class size:
What our parents say:
of parents say their child is very happy at our school.
Age range:


Our Key Stage 3 and IGCSE students benefit from outstanding academic teaching and exceptional enrichment activities. Learning engages, challenges and inspires, preparing your child for the IBDP.
What our parents say:
of our parents say their child has a good relationship with their teacher.
Average class size:
Age range:

International baccalaureate diploma programme (IBDP)

Our IBDP develops students’ depth and breadth of knowledge, ensuring they become inquisitive global citizens. Offering a truly holistic education, the IBDP perfectly prepares our students for university.
Average class size:
Outstanding results:
our 2024 IBDP points score is three points above the global average.
Age range:
  • Early years
  • Primary
  • Secondary


Every day is different at PBIS. That’s thanks to our innovative teachers, exceptional experiences, and variety of clubs, trips, and collaborations.
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A warm welcome
Our littlest learners are greeted by their teachers at the doors to our bright and welcoming Early Years Centre. After a quick chat with parents, it’s time for the fun learning to begin!
Academic Excellence | Prague British International School - Visual Time Line Tabs-dot arch Academic Excellence | Prague British International School - Visual Time Line Tabs-dot arch
a warm welcome
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Terrific Together Time
One of the highlights of our day, ‘Terrific Together Time’ brings our children into a group for fun learning activities. This includes rhyming with numbers, sharing stories from home, reading, singing, and phonics.
terrific together time
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Recharge and refresh
Time to recharge, refresh and enjoy something healthy to eat. Our in-house chefs whip-up nutritious snacks and lunches, which give our children the energy they need to learn, play, and explore.
recharge and refresh 
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Forest School
Getting out into the nearby forest connects our students with nature. There’s lots of fun learning to be had hunting for creepy crawlies, running, building, climbing, and playing in the fresh air.
forest school
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Choosing an adventure
Ballet, board games, arts, crafts, and even a Disney club – there’s so much for our youngest learners to enjoy at our end-of-the-day enrichment programme.
choosing an adventure


Every day is different at PBIS. That’s thanks to our innovative teachers, exceptional experiences, and variety of clubs, trips, and collaborations.
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A fun start to the day
Every day between 7:30 and 8:15 am, you’ll hear the happy chatter of excited children in our dining room. Having fun with friends and enjoying healthy snacks, our breakfast club is a great way to start the day.
Academic Excellence | Prague British International School - Visual Time Line Tabs-dot arch Academic Excellence | Prague British International School - Visual Time Line Tabs-dot arch
a fun start to the day
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Eureka moments
Our STEAM lessons are full of thrilling discoveries. Hands-on projects inspire exploration, getting young minds ticking and embedding a love of science, technology, and engineering.
eureka moments
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Happy and healthy
Children learn best when they’re happy, which is why we set time aside for personal development. Mindfulness activities, PSHCE sessions, and one-to-one time with their teacher reassure, build confidence, and develop resilience.
happy and healthy
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Imagining new worlds
It's time for a journey into the unknown, exploring magical worlds from the comfort of our well-stocked library. Students immerse themselves in the latest works of fiction and use their imaginations to write their own spellbinding tales.
imagining new worlds
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Do what you love
Football or forest running? Breakdancing or juggling? Or how about building a robot? Our extra-curricular programme offers so much choice, ensuring everyone ends the day doing something they enjoy.


Every day is different at PBIS. That’s thanks to our innovative teachers, exceptional experiences, and variety of clubs, trips, and collaborations.
Taking centre stage
Your child can star on the stage, learn a musical instrument, or showcase their musical and theatrical talents on the stage. Our collaboration with The Juilliard School opens doors to a world of artistic opportunities.
Academic Excellence | Prague British International School - Visual Time Line Tabs-dot arch Academic Excellence | Prague British International School - Visual Time Line Tabs-dot arch
taking centre stage
Science is cool
Hands-on experiments bring physics, chemistry, and biology to life, transforming theory into practice. Our specialist teachers deliver awe-inspiring lessons packed with extraordinary experiences.
science is cool
Tackling a challenge
Can you solve a challenge set by a university professor? Your child will become a robotics whizz as they seek out answers to questions set by MIT’s STEAM specialists.
tackling a challenge
Sporting successes
Our secondary students compete against the best, representing PBIS at local and international tournaments. Training, honing their skills and keeping fit, our talented sports stars represent our school with pride.
sporting successes
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The learning never stops
The exceptional learning experiences don’t stop when lessons end! Enrichment activities – ranging from ultimate Frisbee and dance fit to debate club and photography – give your child the chance to pursue their passions.
THE learning never stops


Every day is different at PBIS. That’s thanks to our innovative teachers, exceptional experiences, and variety of clubs, trips, and collaborations.
Study buddies
Teamwork makes the dream work, and our IBDP students are a tightknit community who support one another to succeed. In our Libuš Hub, your child will collaborate with friends on important assignments and projects.
Academic Excellence | Prague British International School - Visual Time Line Tabs-dot arch Academic Excellence | Prague British International School - Visual Time Line Tabs-dot arch
study buddies
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Cracking the case
Our science students put their forensic examination skills to the test as they try to solve a staged crime. Using real-life police techniques, your child will photograph the scene, take samples, and catch the culprit.
cracking the case
Leading the way
It’s time to take the lead and make a difference. Our Student Council and Eco Committee reps speak up on behalf of their friends, improving things around school and supporting local good causes.
leading the way
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Inventing the future

3D printers, augmented reality, laser cutters, and robotics – our STEAM students use the latest EdTech. In our interactive lab, your child will design solutions to real-world problems and learn in exhilarating new ways.

inventing the future
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Becoming a role model
We encourage our oldest students to make time for their younger peers. Offering advice and looking out for their wellbeing, our students mentor the next generation of learners.
becoming a role model
Academic Excellence | Prague British International School - Feature Cards Pattern 1


Our graduates go on to achieve extraordinary things. They're also proud ambassadors of our school who make friendships that last a lifetime.
PBIS - Graduate 2021 (2)
Evgeny Sharogradskiy
King's College London
"The word supportive springs to mind when I think about my time at PBIS. Walking into school every morning, I felt positive energy channelled my way."
PBIS - Graduate 2021
Sofia Kapustina
IE University, Madrid
"Nothing prepares you better for university than the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. It really does test both your academic ability and your determination."
PBIS- Graduate 2021 (2)
Sandra Thao Hoang
King's College London
"It's a school that prepares you to become a global citizen and leader of tomorrow. The work ethic and high expectations at PBIS parallel those required at university."


Our inspirational teachers deliver exceptional learning experiences that set our students up for success.
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teaching excellence


Outstanding teachers make outstanding schools, which is why we only recruit the best. Our highly qualified British and international teachers deliver extraordinary learning experiences that nurture our students’ personal and academic development.

It’s crucial that our teachers never stop learning. We offer outstanding opportunities for them to develop and grow, supported by the best training organisations and the award-winning Nord Anglia University platform.

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Academic Excellence | Prague British International School - Promo With Collage


Your child will enjoy outstanding opportunities beyond the classroom through life-changing trips, exclusive collaborations, and over 80 extra-curricular clubs.

Outstanding Experiences