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Join us for our Open Day | 25th February 2025 | 9:00
November 2020 was to be a time when NAE European Schools came together to celebrate the performing arts with a festival in Prague of collaborative performances combining dance, drama, and music.
As with all events, schools are having to find solutions going virtual. Gathering videos from each of our NAE European schools, PBIS is proud to host the Virtual NAE European Performing Arts Festival.
The festival features performances from NAE schools in Czechia, Poland, Russia, Hungary, Slovakia, Switzerland, Spain and Ireland and each video showcases how our performing arts departments continue to find outlets to create and perform with our students and school communities.
The International School of Moscow
British International School Budapest
British International School Bratislava
Beau Soleil Collège Alpin International
Michal and Jaroslav, our IB students and members of the Entrepreneurship Club, have clear expectations from the club: they want to learn about themselves and enhance their knowledge and skills in building a business.
“The school offers so many options that make life more flexible and enriching,” Michal said, and here’s what they both had to say about their experience with the Entrepreneurship Club.
Come on, it’s not rocket science. For some people it is! A 2022 graduate from PBIS, Ilyes is currently working on his bachelor's degree with a focus on mechanical engineering, physics, and computer science at Sorbonne University in Paris. Apart from his academic work, he’s also working on a modest side project: developing a jet engine. His approach, in his own words, is to “learn as much as possible about everything” so he can apply his knowledge to real-world situations and make the world a smarter, better place.
Hledáte pro své dítě školu, která mu otevře dveře do světa neomezených možností? Česko Britská Základní Škola (ČBZŠ) v Praze je tím pravým místem, kde se potkává to nejlepší z českého i britského vzdělávacího systému. Díky pečlivě vybranému kurikulu kombinujeme Národní kurikulum v Anglii s českými vzdělávacími osnovami. Naším cílem není jen zvýšit akademické dovednosti našich studentů, ale také podpořit jejich osobnostní růst. Víme, že inovativní přístup ke vzdělávání, a to jak ve třídách, tak i mimo ně, probouzí v dětech přirozenou zvídavost a lásku k učení, a jsme přesvědčeni, že to jim zajistí úspěch na jejich životní cestě.
General : +420 226 096 200
Kamýk Campus:
K Lesu 558/2
142 00 - Praha 4
Libuš Campus:
Brunelova 960/12
142 00 - Praha 4
Vlastina Campus:
Vlastina 19
161 00 - Praha 6
Identification Number:
PBIS - 27653048
ČBZŠ - 25108093
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