31 July, 2024

How We Shape Global Citizens: The MET's Journey to Social Impact Recognition

How We Shape Global Citizens: The MET's Journey to Social Impact Recognition - How We Shape Global Citizens
At the Metropolitan School of Panama (MET), we are pioneers in fostering a culture of global citizenship and sustainability. We are thrilled to announce that MET has been honored with the NAE Social Impact Distinction Bronze Accreditation: Rights and Goals Committed. This prestigious recognition underscores our unwavering commitment to embedding the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into our school's culture and values.

This significant achievement is a testament to the exceptional efforts of our NAE Social Impact Lead, Laura Gonzalez, and our dedicated team of teachers and students. Their hard work and commitment exemplify our collective resolve to becoming a Nord Anglia Social Impact School.

A Collective Commitment to Global Values
At the MET, we harness the power of education to inspire change and promote global citizenship. Our students actively engage in learning about the SDGs and the Rights of the Child, nurturing a generation of passionate change-makers dedicated to positively impacting the world.

Our unique collaboration with UNICEF, through our partnership with Nord Anglia Education, enriches our social impact initiatives with a global perspective. This partnership empowers our students to think beyond local boundaries and understand their role in a global context.

Learn More
We invite you to delve deeper into how we integrate these global values into our everyday learning. Watch the video we recorded to witness firsthand how our students and staff are committed to fostering a culture of sustainability and rights advocacy at MET.