Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
07 August, 2023

Meeting Our Acting Head of Primary School!

House System - Meeting Our Acting Head of Primary School

House System - Meeting Our Acting Head of Primary School

It is with great pleasure and excitement that we introduce Mr. Robert Dolan as our Acting Head of Primary School at Léman International School Chengdu. Robert joined our community last academic year and has since become a well-known and respected member of our school community.

Robert brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to his new role, having worked closely with our new Principle, Mrs. Tracy Connor, and previously working for a Nord Anglia school in Nanjing. Since joining Léman, he has quickly settled down to work and has made significant contributions to the school's development. With his passion for teaching and learning, coupled with his strong leadership skills, we are ready to see how Robert’s leadership can continue to contribute to the shaping of our Primary School’s future.


Personal Experiences

Robert brings with him a wealth of experience and expertise in education. Originally from Bolton, a town just north of Manchester, Robert spent many years teaching in UK schools, honing his skills as an effective educator. He then transitioned into leadership roles, including Head of Year and Head of Key Stage, where he demonstrated a talent for managing teams and  implementing successful educational strategies.

Robert’s experience as an educator and leader has prepared him well for his new role as Acting Head of Primary School at Léman International School Chengdu. He is committed to fostering a positive and inclusive school culture that values diversity, promotes respect, and encourages collaboration. As an effective communicator and team player, Robert is dedicated to working alongside his colleagues, parents, and students to ensure that all members of the school community thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

House System - Meeting Our Acting Head of Primary School


As Acting Head of Primary School, Robert has set his sights on achieving a number of important goals at Léman. One of his top priorities will be to ensure that the quality of teaching and learning are outstanding in all subject areas of the Primary School. This will involve working closely with his team of dedicated educators to develop and implement effective teaching strategies, as well as providing ongoing support and training to ensure that all staff are equipped with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed.

Robert is also committed to fostering a positive and inclusive school culture that values diversity, promotes respect, and encourages collaboration. He believes that a school is not just a place of learning, but also a community where students, teachers, parents, and guardians come together to support one another.

In addition to these goals, Robert is also committed to ensuring that all students at Léman have access to a well-rounded education that prepares them for success both academically and in life. He is passionate about providing opportunities for students to develop their creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, and is dedicated to working with his team to provide a challenging, nurturing, and enriching learning experience for all students.


Robert’s vision for Léman is one of excellence, inclusivity, and personalised learning. By focusing on these priorities and working collaboratively with Mrs. Tracy Connor, Mr. Paul Highdale and his team, he is confident that he can help to create a school environment that is both supportive and challenging, and that prepares students for success in a rapidly changing world. We are excited to see the many successes that lie ahead for our Primary School at Léman.