At LIS Chengdu, our parents, teachers, and students all work together to make our time at school as successful as possible. Here’s all the information you’ll need so your child will excel with us.
Parent Essentials | Léman International School Chengdu - Feature Cards Pattern


Here’s what you need to know for your child’s day-to-day attendance, preparation, and success at Léman. 
A healthy diet is essential for good learning at our school. Our cafeteria provides a full lunch meal to students daily. Léman’s aim is to provide nutritious and balanced meals for our students of different age groups.
Our LIS school uniform is designed to give our students a sense of identity. A variety of options within our school brand promote safety, ease of identification, equality, school pride, positive behaviour, and the unified development of our community.
After-school clubs
Whether your child wishes to learn to code, to paint with watercolours, to play for a school sport’s team, or simply have fun swimming, we provide a wide variety of experiential learning through our clubs.
LIS offers transportation to students through buses equipped with seatbelts and a bus monitor. We run over 20 school buses in many major areas where expatriate families live in Chengdu. We also offer transportation for the after-school clubs at 4:30 pm.
Our safe and efficient bus service strives to ensure our students spend the least amount of time travelling to and from school. 

Students under 1.3 meters will be required to sit in a car seat. 

There’s no extra fee for students to take the school bus.
Léman Family Association
Parents are the necessary backbone of any education system to succeed and with an organization such as the LFA we can work together in making this possible.
Student Council
The council is comprised of peer elected representatives who are eager to support and represent their classes, to positively shape the Léman community
Student Health and Well-being
Your child's happiness and safety is our priority. We ensure your child’s health and safety through dedicated safeguarding and regular health measures, policies, and procedures.
Student Health and Well-being
Health and Safety
Léman’s secure, fully enclosed campus uses a state-of-the-art security system which has been evaluated and approved by major multinational corporations in the city. On-campus guards monitor an advanced security-camera system 24 hours a day.

We also have a Health and Safety Committee which consists of school leadership team member, Facilities and Operations Manager, School Nurse, and representatives of teachers and parents to monitor and review the health and safety policies and procedures on campus. There are also regular emergency evacuations or drills on campus.

Child Safeguarding

Our school has a very robust system of background checks. As part of the Nord Anglia Education group, we require non-criminal records of all employees as part of our pre-employment conditions.

Additionally, all new teachers are required to have two references from their previous employer. We only accept referees who have worked with the individual in a professional capacity. An important and statutory requirement of the written reference is a set of questions specifically about their knowledge of accusations or offences relating to the safety or well-being of students.

Finally, all our staff complete a formal programme of Child Protection Training, recognised by the NSPCC in the UK, which helps them to monitor children in our care for signs of abuse or neglect from any source. 

Air Quality

While the AQI readings at our school are consistently better than they are at the city centre, each of our classrooms is fitted with a centrally controlled high-volume air filtration system. Our classroom air quality is computer-monitored and maintained to a very high standard.

Nurse's Station
We have a full-time qualified nurse at our Nurse's Station on campus. Our school nurse provides emergency medical attention as well as preventive care and early detection tests of health problems that are common in schools. She monitors chronic illnesses; supervises vaccination records and medical check-ups; and administers medicines to students.
Parent Essentials | Léman International School Chengdu - Feature Cards Pattern
Child Safeguarding Policy

School and their staff form part of the wider safeguarding system for children. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families and carers has a role to play in safeguarding children. In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, all professionals should make sure their approach is child-centred. This means that they should consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child.



Parent Essentials | Léman International School Chengdu - Preparing for Success

Preparing for Success

Here are the programmes, activities, and services you need to know about – so your child will meet and exceed their academic and personal ambitions at Léman.
Support services and languages
We offer several learning programmes to boost your child's progress towards their goals. These include Learning Support Services, English as an Additional Language, and Native and Foreign Language Classes.
Support Services and Languages

Learning Support Services
Learning Support is an integral part of Léman International School’s commitment to academic excellence – both with standards-based learning and differentiated learning for all students.

Learning Support helps students throughout the school who may have individual learning needs and differences – from basic skills acquisition to personalised gifted programming and support.

English as an Additional Language
Our qualified team of EAL specialists support students with little or no English language through a combination of in-class and pull-out sessions. Their language development is monitored constantly, and their learning of English is within the context of the curriculum and functional use.

All our teachers are experienced in teaching EAL students, and their experience is reinforced through Léman’s professional development programme as well as Léman’s commitment to providing differentiated instruction to meet the needs of all our students.

Native Language and Foreign Language Classes
LIS teaches Mandarin to all students from Pre-Nursery to Year 13.

  • Pre-Nursery–Reception: Emergent Chinese language learning classes.
  • Years 1–6: Native language classes and non-native language classes.
  • Years 7–11: MYP Language Acquisition and MYP Chinese Language and Literature.
  • Years 12–13: DP-Ab initio, DP Chinese B, and DP-Chinese ALL
  • Korean language and literature classes are available for Years 5–13

The Léman approach to language learning is one of additive bilingualism: as our students gain strength in English, we also work with families to ensure that they maintain strong skills in their other languages.

Tuesday after-school clubs
At Léman, our after-school clubs are opportunities for our students to get active, be creative, have fun, partake in service activities, practice their language skills, or delve into STEAM.
Tuesday after-school clubs
Name ASA Day of Club Years
Craig Cox Reading club (with parents) Tuesday N-R
Yuki Fang EY STEAM Tuesday N-R
Shirley Yang Creative Creatures Tuesday N-R
Thomas Gilchrist Our World Tuesday Y1-3
Ailsa Carr Puzzle Club Tuesday Y1-Y3
Amy Xia Chinese Chess and Calligraphy Tuesday Y1-Y3
Jody Zhou Mindfulness and Wellbeing Tuesday Y1-Y3
Oscar Nowak Fun Football Tuesday Y1-Y3
Silvia Zhang String Orchestra - Tuesday Y1-Y6
Robert Bradley Philosophy for Children (P4C) Tuesday Y3-Y6
Mazhar Ghaffar Dodgeball Tuesday Y3-Y6
Robert Dolan & Tracy Connor LIS Theatrical Society Tuesday Y4-6
Karamjeet Mann U11 Football Tuesday Y4-Y6
Lucy Wang Chinese fables Tuesday Y4-Y6
Judy Li Origami
Tuesday Y4-Y6
Gemma Devitt Wellbeing club Tuesday Y4-Y6
Joe Cho Aviation Club Tuesday Y7-Y13
Monica Webster Band workshop
Tuesday Y7-Y13
Hannah Si Animation and Cosplay Tuesday Y7-Y13
Jarrett Brown Student Council Tuesday Y7-Y13
Hannah Lee Felt craft (sewing) Tuesday Y7-Y13
Cristiano Mariotti Song Writing Tuesday Y7-Y13
James Drake Math Club for ASDAN mathematics events and competitions. Tuesday Y7-Y13
Thomas Ainsworth Student Council Tuesday Y7-Y13
Mandi Bezuidenhout Analogue Photography Basics Tuesday Y7-Y13
Patrick Meersman MUN Tuesday Y7-Y13
Paul Traynor Lights, Camera, Action Tuesday Y7-Y13
Ivy Ji Chinese Language Learning Support Tuesday Y7-Y13
Jojo Wang Recyle Upcycling Workshop Tuesday Y7-Y13

Thursday after-school clubs
At Léman, our after-school clubs are opportunities for our students to get active, be creative, have fun, partake in service activities, practice their language skills, or delve into STEAM.
Thursday after-school clubs
Name ASA Day of Club Years
Katie Cornish Busy Fingers Thursday N-R
Liven Li Our Game World Thursday N-R
Ariane Erasmus Guided Drawing Thursday N-Y2
Mo Susanto Entreneurship Thursday Y11-Y13
David Muir Fun Football Thursday Y1-Y3
Bree Huang Twinkl Original Story Club
Thursday Y1-Y3
Jonathan Rodrigues EAL (Invite Only) Thursday Y1-Y3
Andrea O'Keeffe Coding Club Thursday Y3-Y6
Jill Ling Cross embroidery Thursday Y3-Y6
Rachel Cui Chinese reading club Thursday Y3-Y6
Betty Zhu Chinese Calligraphy Thursday Y4-6
Chelsea Yang Chinese Classical Dance Thursday Y4-6
Sheena Chan Augmented Reality - Animate a favourite storybook or picture using Adobe Aero
Thursday Y4-Y6
Terry Mcallister U 11 Football Thursday Y4-Y6
Scofield Guo Fun Swimming Thursday Y4-Y6
Tina Chen Student Journalists Thursday Y6-Y11
Savetta Yaduv Knitting
Thursday Y7-13
Alexander Blood TRPG - Tabletop Roleplaying Games Thursday Y7-Y13
Katherine Hwang K-pop dance Thursday Y7-Y13
Nicholas Zoumbaris Martial Arts Club or Self Defense Club, Thursday Y9-Y13


At LIS Chengdu, your child has many opportunities beyond the classroom – whether they want to learn to code, to paint, be a musician, to play for our Red Pandas sports teams, or to simply have fun swimming. Here are some of our most popular activities.
Sports and athletics
Your child can participate in a wide range of sports and physical education programmes hosted on our impressive athletic facilities – the most expansive in Chengdu and southwestern China – for competitive and recreational levels. 
STEAM challenges
 Your child will immensely benefit from our collaboration with MIT, which puts ‘design thinking’ at the heart of our approach to problem solving, inspiring creativity and curiosity through challenges and projects.
STEAM challenges
Your child will immensely benefit from our collaboration with MIT, which puts ‘design thinking’ at the heart of our approach to problem solving, inspiring creativity and curiosity through challenges and projects. 
Performing arts
Your child will develop their talents through our performing arts curriculum in collaboration with Juilliard, where our music, dance, and drama lessons are boosted with best-in-class resources from our teachers. 
Performing arts
Our Julliard-inspired performing arts offerings of music, drama, and dance are built into our curriculum across all year groups at Léman. Our curriculum gives your child the tools to think creatively, to innovate, and to appreciate diverse cultures and backgrounds.
Our unique Primary Instrumental Programme allows students from Year 1 to Year 6 to learn an instrument, with space built into the timetable to give every student the opportunity to join.

All our students learn different instruments, like guitar in Year 5.


At Léman, our teachers provide high-quality personalised instruction, structured by our internationally recognised curricula and world-class resources from collaborators like MIT and Juilliard. In our learning environment, your child will realise their ambitions and will perform at their optimal level.

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