Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
10 May, 2019


NAE STEAM Week @ MIT - nae-steam-week-mit
NAE STEAM Week @ MIT Last week four Year 6 students were fortunate enough to attend the annual Nord Anglia STEAM Week at MIT in Boston, which hosted 26 Nord Anglia schools from all around the world.

Last week four Year 6 students were fortunate enough to attend the annual Nord Anglia STEAM Week at MIT in Boston, which hosted 26 Nord Anglia schools from all around the world.

The week was jam packed full of talks from current students and professors, as well as activites that were all linked to STEAM.

One of the main highlights of the week was on Wednesday, when the children get the chance to participe in the world famous 2.009 MIT course. During the course, they were given 6 hours to ideate, design and create an invetion that would help improve the life of someone who suffers from a visual impariment. For this, the children worked collaboratively alonside current leading professors in this field and recent MIT gradutes of the course.

The children were given free rein to let their imaginations run wild. They had access to electronics, computers, vast amounts of materials and of course great guidence and support from their mentors. As a result of this, the Expo at the end of the day showcased some amazing invetions, such as a fulling functioning brail keyboard, a audio wrist watch and a robotic hover.

By Max Berry

Year 3 Macaws Teacher