02 June, 2023

Enrichment Week for Secondary Students

Enrichment Week for Secondary Students - Enrichment Week for Secondary Students
International Residentials are back!

Enrichment Week will run from Monday 12th June to Friday 16th June.

About 300 students and 40 teachers will travel to 5 different countries throughout the week.

If you missed the Parent Academy webinar or the Parent presentations last week, then you can access all of the information on our Firefly pages here:


And key details for each specific residential can be found via the link below. This is also where we will be sharing our experiences with you throughout the week:


For those students not participating in the residentials, there will not be any regular lessons that week. Instead, we will be running a programme in school based on our CCA provision with a daily focus on the strands of:

Performing Arts
Language and Culture
Physical Recreation

More info about the onsite provision will follow in due course.

Kevin Swaine 
Co-Curricular Learning Coordinator