28 June, 2024

Year 6 News


It has been a very memorable end of the primary journey for our Year 6 students. This last week of term has been jam packed. On Monday and Tuesday, the students performed the end of year production of ‘Olivia’, on Tuesday morning, there was a year group water fight and on Wednesday afternoon, they finally graduated with a special ceremony.

Olivia production

This year’s show was a combination of the familiar stories of Oliver, My Fair Lady and Annie! The story follows the journey of a rebellious orphan, Olivia, who travels from Birmingham to Manchester and finally to London where she is reunited with her mother, who has been suffering from amnesia for the last 10 years. Along the way she meets characters such as George Bernard Shaw, Sherlock Holmes, Fagin, The Artful Dodger and Eliza Dolittle. 

The children have enjoyed learning the dances, songs and their lines as well as spending hours making many of the props and the backdrops. We are immensely proud of the efforts of all students in pulling together a fantastic spectacle for their families. We hope they enjoyed themselves as much as it seemed!

Franklin - “Everyone should get a chance to take bows in front of their parents!”

Klara - “I loved the production so much. It was so fun and enjoyable. I will miss not doing it.”

Alex R - “I loved it and didn’t want it to end.”

Yinchi - “Best thing I’ve ever been part of!”

Sandra - “I really enjoyed singing along to all the fun songs.” 


Water Fight

Tuesday morning saw many Year 6 students soaked! As the water fight began, the Year 6 teachers seemed to be high on the hit list of the children (although we did give as good as we got!) It was a fun activity, enjoyed by all and a lovely way to spend a hot morning. Here are some thoughts of the students:

Noah - “It was fun and cool getting the teachers wet!”

Junsuh - “It was a refreshment after some hard days, and it was fun.”

Laura L - “I got really wet but it was fun!”

Venki - “It was fun spraying the teachers with water.”

David - “It was fun teaming up with friends to get people.”


Graduation Ceremony

Wednesday afternoon saw our fantastic Year 6 students finally graduate from primary education, ready to make the big step up into secondary. The classes all took their turn to take the traditional walk along the rope bridge and down the curly slide on the climbing frame to meet their teacher and receive their graduation certificate. While this is a really exciting time for the children, it is also the perfect moment to recollect all their achievements and challenges over their primary journey at our school - some who have been here for 8 years! For some students, it marks a time when they will leave Budapest; best wishes to families who are moving on at this time.


We would like to wish good luck and congratulations to our Year 6 students - you will be missed!


Year 6 Teachers