Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
08 March, 2019

Hashtags on Twitter and Instagram

Hashtags on Twitter and Instagram

Below is a list of some important Twitter hashtags for BISB and some useful tips.

Hashtags on Twitter and Instagram Below is a list of some important Twitter hashtags for BISB and some useful tips.

Below is a list of some important Twitter hashtags for BISB and some useful tips.

A couple of useful tips to follow:

  • You can use one or more hashtags anywhere in your tweet. Twitter recommends using no more than two hashtags per Tweet, but you're free to use as many as you wish.
  • Don't use spaces in a hashtag. For example, '#World Cup' would reference the topic of 'World' as opposed to '#WorldCup', which references the 'World Cup'.
  • Don't use punctuation in a hashtag. For example, #It'sComingHome won't work, although it’s grammatically correct. Use #ItsComingHome instead.

Tags and accounts you might want to use:


Accounts to tag:
@BisbudapestS (secondary)