14 June, 2022

Year 5 Green Camp Report

Year 5 and 6 Green Camp Report - Year 5 Green Camp Report
What a fantastic finale to Year 5's adventures this year.

It started out rainy and grey but by the end of the week we had sunshine. The rain didn't wipe any smiles off our faces though. 

Day 1

We left school at 8:30 am on Monday 30th May and travelled by coach up to Kruklanki in Mazuria. We arrived just in time for lunch and then we had to make our own beds. I can tell you that was interesting viewing! To be fair it is hard to make a bed when it is the top bunk bed! 

After lunch we had a tour of the whole site and got to meet the instructors before a quick supper and then some evening games. Off to bed and asleep by (around) 10:30pm!

Day 2 dawned bright and early. Too early! This was the real first day of the trip as the water activities started on this day. Kayaking, stand-up paddle boarding, canoeing and sailing were all on the agenda. Other activities included cooking, dance, archery and games on the field. In the evening we had a disco inside and although some preferred to run around outside, we did see some moves on the dancefloor.

Day 3 and the activity from the previous day had tired everyone out and some people had to be woken up for breakfast! Each group rotated and tried a different set of activities for the day. Cooking stayed high in the popularity stakes mainly due to Viktor the instructor. The evening activity was a huge game of Gangsters organised by the instructors.

Day 4 and everyone was well into the routine by now. Once again, the activities rotated and although we had some rain in the afternoon no-one complained. In the evening we had a bonfire and cooked sausages.

Day 5

The final day and just time to squeeze in a few more water activities and some dodgeball, dance and capture the flag. We were well fed before our departure and even supplied with sandwiches and snacks for the way home. The coaches arrived back by 18:30 and there was a huge welcome party of parents and families.

It was amazing to see the benefit this trip had on all the students. From facing their fears, challenging themselves and trying new activities to interacting with children from other classes and being independent. The top activity the children voted for was kayaking, followed by cooking, dance, DIY and paddleboard. The bonfire was the outright favourite for the evening activities.

Year 5 and 6 Green Camp Report - Year 5 Green Camp Report

Year 5 and 6 Green Camp Report - Year 5 Green Camp Report

Year 5 and 6 Green Camp Report - Year 5 Green Camp Report

Year 5 and 6 Green Camp Report - Year 5 Green Camp Report

Year 5 and 6 Green Camp Report - Year 5 Green Camp Report

Don't just take it from me. You can hear it from them too!

The best thing about Green Camp:

I like that the instructors were really nice and I really like the activities - Pola P

One of the best things about green camp were all of the fun activities that we had and I think SUP was the best - Nadia G

The place was so big and after the activity, we could go on the playground to play a bit. - Linda

It was cozy and made with a pure heart not just work. - Maja W

Canoeing was the best thing all week - Jeremi T

SUP was so much fun - Sami R

The best thing was the evening activities and sharing a room with friends - Mishal