Explore the most frequently asked questions at The British School Warsaw.
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Frequently asked questions

  • How old is the school?
    We are proud to celebrate our 30th anniversary in 2022.  TBS Warsaw is the first established Nord Anglia school opening its doors in 1992 for just 35 students. Since then has grown its community of students to 1,100 across two modern campuses. We’ve also been an accredited IB school for over 20 years!
  • What are your class sizes?

    Our Pre-Nursery classes accommodate up to 16 students, Nursery classes are up to 18, Reception and Year 1 - up to 20 students. Maximum size of Primary and Secondary classes is 22 students.  Early Years and Primary classes' teachers are  supported by one or two teaching assistants.

  • How do you ensure good behaviour and manners?
    Our school culture promotes respect for others and encourages self-expression and self-esteem. We nurture a safe, caring environment where everyone is unique, valued, and appreciated. We actively reward students for demonstrating these values and teach them during assembly and in the classroom.
  • What qualifications do your teachers have?
    We only hire the most highly qualified teachers, and all have several years’ experience, as well as a degree in teaching or a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) from the UK (or equivalent from their home country). Most of our teachers are native English speakers.
  • Do you have teaching assistants?
    Yes, each Early Years and Primary Class has one or two dedicated teaching assistants (TAs).  Caring and enthusiastic, they support our youngest learners as they begin their educational journey.
  • How do you support children with limited English joining your school?
    We have an excellent English as an Additional Language (EAL) programme to help those newcomers with little or no English. At TBS Warsaw, children learn English incredibly fast thanks to the quality of our teachers and our engaging English-speaking environment.
  • Do you have provision for children with special education needs (SEN)?
    TBS Warsaw is an inclusive school: we understand that not all children find it easy to learn. That’s why our learning support department provides targeted assistance for children who need additional help. Our learning support teaching team comprises specialist teachers with experience in this area. If you believe your child needs this type of support, get in touch and we’ll see whether we can accommodate their needs so they would get the most out of their time at TBS Warsaw.
  • What sort of Polish programme do you have?
    Polish is an integral part of our curriculum. All native Polish students study a curriculum based on the Polish Podstawa Programowa from Year 2 to Year 11, and receive their end-of-year Polish certificates (Świadectwo). For non-Polish students, Polish is introduced as an additional foreign language from Year 1. For Polish students, we successfully combine the best of British teaching with international programmes that comply with the requirements of the Polish Ministry of Education.
  • What other foreign languages do you offer?
    As an international school, we strongly believe in the importance of children learning the languages and cultures of other countries. From Year 4, all students can choose between French, German, and Spanish.
  • Do you have afterschool activities?
    All children from Nursery onward can take part in our Learning Enrichment Activity Programme (LEAP). We offer a variety of activities which run every day of the week. Our LEAP offering is refreshed on a termly basis, and includes a wide range of music, sports, and creative activities. Most clubs are free, although occasionally we bring in outside parties to provide more specialised activities, which require a fee.
  • How will the school ensure my child settles in quickly?
    We are known for our warm welcome to new families joining the school. We provide lots of information about school life and your child’s class prior to your arrival, and our students and staff are ready to help newcomers thrive from their first day. We can also put you in touch with another family before your child starts at TBS Warsaw, and we always arrange a ‘buddy’ for new students.
  • How do you communicate with parents?
    We have excellent communication between the school and parents. For Early Years and Primary students, our teachers communicate with parents about their children’s learning progress and activities through a weekly class newsletter and our communication platforms (Tapestry for Early Years, SeeSaw for Primary). There’s also a weekly school newsletter, as well as termly reports and parent meetings throughout the year. Finally, remember that our teachers are always just an email away.
  • What involvement do parents have at TBS Warsaw?
    Our parents are valued members of the school community, and we have a wonderfully supportive network involved in school life. Our active Parents and Teachers Association (PTA) organises numerous family and charity events, including coffee mornings, book swaps, International Fair, Burns’ night, parents’ quiz nights, and charity collections. The PTA closely collaborate with the school leadership to support our children’s learning. TBS Warsaw simply wouldn’t be the same without our wonderful parents.
  • Where can I find the weekly menu for my child?
    The lunch menu can be found in our Parents Essentials section for both the Early Years and the main campus.
  • Is there a secondhand shop for uniforms?
    Yes, you can find our PTA secondhand uniform shop on our main campus. We sell school uniform that has been donated because students have outgrown it or because they have graduated. The shop is open on Mondays 7.55am–8.15am and the last Tuesday of the month 3.15pm–3.45pm
  • How can I find out about school life and planned events?
    All events are listed on our school calendar, and we also announce them via our newsletter and social media channels. You can join our Facebook page for daily updates about school life.