The trip’s experience and influence on our mindsets:
We were most certainly humbled by the Expedition in many ways and it allowed us to gain a personal insight at the world and its social issues. We had the opportunity of working with a nearby primary school in Dolly that is supported and administered by the Seeway Tanzania Organization. We constructed desks for the students to use, engaged in arts and crafts project with the nursery children, and dug foundations for classrooms and restroom block. Our close interaction with the community allowed us to learn about their daily struggles and the extent of how minor changes drastically improve their lives. Furthermore, we received an incredible amount of positive feedback from children and the families for whom we built goat houses, installed solar panels, and constructed sustainable brick stoves. When we saw how happy those struggling families were, once we installed the lights in their houses, it really meant a lot to us, as we saw how much small gestures can change for the people. Because of the direct help and week-long experience, the problem became more personal to us.

The fundraising and actions we are planning to do in the nearest future:
For this reason, we are eager to raise awareness and additional funds to guarantee higher standards for the community. We have already taken action in fundraising at school and we are very grateful to all the students of TBSW for helping us along the way to achieve our goal. So far we have done a bake sale for which we all prepared goods to sell to our peers. We have also organized a non-uniform day where all the students participating brought 10 zl for the cause. Both of these events ended in great success – so far we have raised over 6000 zl!
For upcoming events we have planned a hot dog sale, an assembly for primary students to talk about our experiences on the trip as well as a “Lion King” movie night for younger students. We are thankful for your support and hope to inspire all of you to continue helping our cause in the near future.
Krystyna, Natalia & Veronika