Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
11 March, 2022

IB Students Volunteering

IB Students Volunteering - ib-students-volunteering
IB Students Volunteering Initially, we intended to take part in charity only for the sake of CAS.

Initially, we intended to take part in charity only for the sake of CAS.

As demanding as the IB is, it also wants you to expand your ethical horizons and explore the perspectives of others, as well as help those in need. The search for an organization that would help us reach these goals prompted us to find and contact the Warsaw Volunteer Mission and their work: their volunteers, who hail from every corner of the world, gather to distribute food, clothing and toys to those in need on a single Sunday every month.  

These Sunday meetings are brief, lasting two hours at most, but leave a profound impact on both those receiving the supplies they needed and us, those helping the charity. Even though we are only two young volunteers, the meetings allowed us to find a sense of purpose and enjoyment in helping others. As cliché as it may sound, charity is one of the best ways to give back while also helping oneself. Because of our own experience, we know just how much charity can help you as well, and we encourage you to give back some charity of your own! 

You don’t have to be a millionaire to give back: a simple donation will do and would be very useful and appreciated. We are all going through stressful times, but a bit of charity never hurt anyone!

Anna T. and Isabel Rontome F.

Year 12