This week during our connections lesson the Year 5 students connected with other members of their house teams to take part in some fun activities.
The Vikings learned how to quill with Mrs Whitfield. The Normans learned a new song and worked together to create some actions. The Romans worked together to participate in a Nord Anglia Global Campus challenge and the Saxons learned how to play four square. Our house captains took the lead on organising the activities and everyone enjoyed connecting with their teammates and starting to build new bonds and friendships.
It has been another vibrant and busy week in Primary! Our KS2 Swim Galas were a highlight, and it was lovely to see so many of you there, cheering on your children and celebrating their achievements.
On Saturday, January 18, 2025, BSKL hosted its second annual Alumni Event in London, coinciding with Principal Dr. O'Connor's recruitment trip to the UK.