24 January, 2025

Year 9's career carousel

Year 9 career carousel - Year 9 career carousel
Year 9's career carousel
This week, our Year 9 students took part in our annual Careers Carousel, an event designed to inspire and inform their future ambitions. 
The Lower Hill Gym became a hub of activity as our students mingled with guest speakers from a wide range of fields, including business, engineering, marketing, medicine, dentistry, TV, voice acting, and journalism.

The students made the most of the opportunity, listening attentively and asking plenty of questions. The speakers were impressed by their engagement and curiosity, which led to some great conversations about career paths and opportunities.

The Careers Carousel is an important part of helping students explore their options as they prepare to choose their GCSE subjects. A big thank you to the speakers who gave their time to make the event a success and to the students for their enthusiasm and interest.