Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
22 January, 2021

IB Student of the Month - January 2021

IB Student of the Month - January 2021 - ib-student-of-the-month--january-2021

Each month, one student from both Year 12 and Year 13 are selected from IBDP subject groups based on them displaying traits from the IB Learner Profile. The IB Learner Profile represents 10 attributes valued by IB World Schools. We believe these attributes can help individuals and groups become responsible members of local, national and global communities.  The winners each month receive the accolade of winning, a 100RMB gift card and their photos on display in the library for all of the school community to see.

January Winners in Group 4 - Sciences

For the IB Learner Profile Trait COMMUNICATOR, the Year 12 Student of the Month is Minsu Park.

Science Teacher Mr. Byrne - “Minsu is very passionate about Physics and that passion comes through when communicating with others in class. Every lesson, whether it involves practical work or conceptual problems, he asks deep probing questions that will often prompt discussion and debate with other learners in the class. He is skilled at articulating challenging concepts, he uses this skill to collaborate with and support other learners in the class. For example, he will help other students explaining how he solved a problem in both English and Korean.

He is also working collaboratively on a CAS project that involves writing detailed explanations to Physics multiple choice questions. Again, it is great to see him using his Physics knowledge, collaborating, to communicate complex ideas to other students.”

For the IB Learner Profile Trait KNOWLEDGEABLE, the Year 13 Student of the Month is Eunwoo Kim (Angela).

Head of Science Mr. Wheeler - “Angela consistently demonstrates her extensive knowledge base in Physics and is always able to relate that knowledge base to new problems and topics.  Her ability to integrate information and concepts is exceptional and she can comprehend abstract concepts well beyond age level expectations.  Being able to support her thinking with logical reasoning is a skill that she has developed over her time here at BSB and will serve her well at university and beyond.”

Congratulations Minsu and Angela!

Chris Planchant

Head of Year 12 & 13, Geography Teacher