27 September, 2024

PTA Newsroom


Dear Parents

September is nearly over, so let's welcome October, a month filled with exciting events! 

But first let’s take a look back at what happened last week.


Last Friday, we had secondary parents' meeting, focused on Halloween planning.

 It was an interesting brainstorming session with new ideas. 💡

Thanks to all who took part!


The BISB PTA cooking club - organised by our amazing Judit - was off to a fantastic start this September. The theme of the first cooking event of this school year was Hungary. We prepared some Hungarian delicacies like Körözött, Roast a la Brassó, Lecsó and as dessert Somlói cake.


The participants were all smiles, enjoying the colorful dishes, delicious food, and irresistible aromas, while engaging in lively conversation throughout the event.


Come and join us! The next class is planned for November. 


Your PTA