30 August, 2024

Back To School Uniform Sale



It’s that time again! Time for our September Back to School Sustainable Uniform Sale!


We have been collecting your outgrown BISB schol uniform for a week and the response has been overwhelming! Thank you! We will have a full stock of pristine, new-to-you uniform on sale starting on the 10th.

You can still donate your uniform at the Reception Desk during morning drop off and afternoon pick up until 6th September.

To receive Exchange Vouchers for your old uniform with which to purchase new-to-you uniform, clearly label your donated bags with your name and email address. Our team will email you shopping vouchers by 10th September.

Your exchange vouchers are valid for one academic year – they can be used at our September, Winter or Spring Sales in 2024/25.

If you are new to School or to our Sales, you can shop for sustainable school uniform at our September Back-to-School Sales series on 10th and 12th September from 15-16 in the covered pavilions in front of the Tube. Our sales are cash or Exchange Vouchers only.


As a reminder or to all those who are interested in our movement:


Our Mission

The Uniform Stewardship Program aims to capture the many benefits of wearing uniforms more sustainably

  • Create a circular market for all BISB School uniform
  • Ethically dispose of worn-out uniforms through upcycling and recycling
  • Mentor Changemaker students through a relevant, real-life project with professional Project Manager and parent mentors

How it Works

Current BISB families return or ‘donate’ their old or outgrown uniform to the Project during our donation periods. The Project sorts the uniform, if it is in ‘re-sale’ condition and the bags have been clearly labeled, Exchange Vouchers are given to that family. Naturally, families can choose to donate uniform anonymously and no vouchers are given. The Project also receives all unclaimed Lost Property uniform pieces. The stock for the Sales is made up donated and unclaimed Lost Property uniform.


The Project holds three Sales per year a Back-to-School Sale in September, a Winter Sale and a Spring Sale as the weather changes, November and March/April respectively.


Sales are Vouchers or cash only. Families do not have to donate uniform to participate, they can simply purchase with cash. Exchange Vouchers can be used for one academic year (September – June) at our Sales/Exchanges.


The Project publishes the environmental impact and results of each Sale in kilograms of uniform recirculated and equivalent uniform saved from landfills after each Sales series.


The Sales are organized, set up and managed by a committed volunteer Parent and Student team. Each Sale and donation period will be advertised in the Whatsapp Groups, the Friday Newsletter and posters in School. Please contact me through the Whatsapp Groups if you would like to join our team.


Come join our growing movement as a donor, sustainable shopper or volunteer!


Heather Szabo Holéczy

Uniform Stewardship Project