20 June, 2024

PTA Newsroom


This week has seen the conclusion of the nominations  of the new PTA Core Group. As the positions were uncontested, the candidates were appointed and will start meeting next week to put together a plan for the next academic year.

As the outgoing Chair, I would like to thank each one of you for your support during this academic year, your contributions were greatly appreciated. I take this opportunity to congratulate and welcome Mihaly Kasos in the role of Chair.  As Event Coordinator, I look forward to working along the communication coordinators (Silvia Baks and Sandra Franco) and primary (Eszter Kálovics and Petra Puskas) and secondary coordinators (Julia Kulish and Andrea Ainsworth) we will be seeking to put together a programme of events which will appeal to students, parents and the entire community. To this end we will be looking for project managers to lead and coordinate these events, some smaller and some larger ones. We would therefore like to encourage all of you to contact us should you wish to participate. We also welcome all volunteers which to help out in any of these projects. Should you be interested to get involved or find out more information about what you can do, please contact Sophia.verykios@gmail.com.