21 June, 2024

Primary Maths Success


At the end of May, 6 of our primary students took part in the SuperTmatik Mental Maths quiz. These games are of great interest to students because they bring together mental motivation and the entertainment of traditional board games. They aim to encourage interest in learning, contribute to acquiring knowledge, reinforcement and development of skills. These children were selected from across Year 5 and 6 and performed in the online final, to find out the winners at international level, in each age group.


In addition, on June 11th, 5 students competed in another round of UKMT Math challenges, the Junior Kangaroo, a follow on round to the Junor Maths Challenge which students only qualify for based on their Junior Maths Challenge score. We are happy to report that Marci (Y6B) and Nuala (Y5C) will be awarded a merit, which is given to the top 25% of participants. On the same date, Lalo (Y6L) also competed in the UKMT Junior Maths Olympiad, an invite only follow on round to the Junior Maths challange which around 1,200 students qualify for each year.


Well done to all our primary mathematicians and we look forward to entering even more students in the upcoming years!


                   Andrea O'Keeffe  & Kieran Wardell

Year 6 Teacher/Maths Coordinator & Head of Mathematics