14 June, 2024

PTA Newsroom


This has been a busy and exciting week with nominations coming in for a new core team! We thank all those who nominated a candidate or volunteered for a position. We are currently collecting confirmations and if positions are uncontested will announce the new team. In the case of two or more nominations for the same position, elections will be held. Please watch your emails closely for further announcements.

On Monday a  group of representatives and volunteers participated in an end of year dinner at the beautiful Leila’s restaurant. For those who could not join we would like to emphasise again how much we value your time and energy. Thank you!

If you wish to get involved either in a team or run an activity in the next academic year, please do not hesitate to contact PTA Chair: Sophia.verykios@gmail.com.

Thank you to those who participated in the Car Boot Sale.