13 June, 2024

Performing Arts Showcase Performance - Global Harmony


This week, we saw 190 students involved in our annual Performing Arts Showcase performances ‘Global Harmony’. Students from Year 1-12 were involved in these performances and have been working tirelessly over the last few months with countless hours of practice and preparation that has gone into creating their spectacular performances. Their performances not only entertained but also educated, fostering a deeper appreciation for the richness of world cultures and the beauty of artistic collaboration. Each piece was a testament to the rich diversity and vibrant traditions that exist around the world, and our student’s dedication to honoring these cultures was evident in every movement, note, and scene. Their performances were a powerful reminder of the arts' ability to bring us together, celebrate our diversity, and uplift our spirits.


Ms James would like to take this opportunity to say a huge well done to all our enthusiastic and dedicated Performing Arts students across BISB, your passion and commitment for the Arts shine through in all that you do! Thank you for all your hard work this academic year in a range of your CCA’s. Have a wonderful Summer and we look forward to seeing you all next academic year.



Sarah James

Director of Performing Arts