12 June, 2024

Departing Teachers

Departing Teachers

Dear Parents,


At this time of year, we say goodbye not only to students and their families as they move on to other countries but also to some of our teachers. I would like to thank the teachers leaving for their hard work, dedication and commitment to our students over their time in the school. We wish them all the very best in their new schools and are grateful for all their contributions to our community.  

I would like to take this opportunity to specifically recognise Mr Taylor’s contributions to our school community. He leaves after 21 years with BISB and is also retiring from the teaching profession. There are countless students who have benefited from Mr Taylor's passion for his subject and the outdoors. His camping trips, Geography and ESS field trips are examples of how he remained resolute in his commitment to an authentic and experiential learning experience for his students. We are grateful for his contributions to our school in the classroom, out in the Hungarian countryside and on the Piano! Additionally, on behalf of our profession, I wish him all the very best in his retirement!


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Next week I will introduce the new colleagues who will join us in August. 


Benjamin Turner
