05 June, 2024



Last week we held our first Shakespeare Festival – Shakesfest! which saw all of Year 7 participating in celebrating the bard. Students worked collaboratively and creatively over several weeks to produce and perform condensed versions of Macbeth, The Tempest, and Romeo and Juliet using much of the original dialogue and adding their own contemporary twists. Their commitment and enthusiasm were impressive, and their performances were both entertaining and indicative of a genuine engagement with the subject matter - a wonderful time was had by all! Thanks to our Year 7 English teachers for their support of the students throughout the process. Here are a few final reflections from the cast:


  • ‘I enjoyed creating the scripts, making props, and learning all my lines! It was super fun and I loved it a lot!’ – Shreya
  • ‘I really enjoyed helping with making the script. I learned using Shakespearean Language, which was really fun. It was fun writing my own script, which makes us creative.’ – Hania
  • ‘I really enjoyed the whole process…it was amazing!’ – Sofya
  • ‘I enjoyed many things in Shakesfest! It was very funny, collaborative, and serene. Everyone was having fun watching the creative ways every class executed their final plays. It was very entertaining and did not disappoint!’
  • ‘At the end of the day, everyone did their job really well. Something I have learned is how to collaborate with people and work together.’


The English Department