31 May, 2024

PTA Newsroom

PTA Newsroom - PTA Newsroom
PTA Newsroom

International Family Day

We had a fabulous sunny day last Saturday with over 300 children and many parents attending the family day, visiting the stalls prepared by all their year groups as well as social impact groups. Thank you to all the helpers!


There was a variety of food ranging from traditional fish and chips and other seafood delicacies to fantastic Indian dishes. For the sweet tooth, there were brownies cake pops and cupcakes, home-made pancakes and of course ice cream for all those who completed their journey around the world! The programme was embellished by the colourful performances by our Hungarian Folklore and Love Dance dancers. You were truly fantastic! Thank you to their wonderful teacher Bea Bocz and Liz Sweales.


We would like to say a huge thank you to all year reps involved in preparing their stalls as well as to all volunteers both students and parents who helped run all the activities. The Plushy Tombola was a great success, all donated soft toys were given away and made many children very happy! Thank you to all those who contributed and those who run the stall on the day. A special thank you goes to Amy Lee for all her energy and ideas Eva Kozak, Andrea Ainsworth, Julia Kulish, Kati Pikler, Mihaly Kasos, Georgiana Radulescu and Eszter Kálovics. Compliments go to the year 2 Asia Stall which was a wonderful example of our diverse communities coming together. A special thank you to Gabriella Petrovits, Ms Newson and the Chinese, Korean and Indian communities for their commitment to this project!


Last but not least, this would not have been possible with the support of Mr Russel, Ms Lango, Alok Kapur and the marketing team and Zsuzsa Szemerey and our wonderful maintenance team.


Car boot sale – 8th June 2024, 10am to 1pm

We have many vendors registered for our Cat Boot Sale which will take place at the School Upper Car Park. This event is open to all of you and your families as well as outside guests to come as buyers.

Hunt for unique treasures at bargain prices! You never know what amazing finds you might discover. From vintage clothing and collectibles to homeware and garden tools, there's something for everyone.

Family-friendly fun: Enjoy delicious food stall, music, and a vibrant atmosphere. Make a day of it!

AGM Wednesday 5th June 2024 at 9am

This Wednesday fifth of June we will hold our Annual General Meeting.  We will Present a new constitution, review our Accounts from this year and present a proposal for next year.


Please come along to help us start this new journey and put together an exciting program for next year activities, both for our children and for the parent community. Special thank you to all the work conducted throughout the year by class reps, year reps, country reps as well as all volunteers and organisers of events as well as our sponsors and to all of you who contributed ideas and time every minute counts! The past year we have had an eventful and colourful programme and could not have put any of these together without all of your help and support!


“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.”


Gala – Deadline for Raffle Prize Collection- 7th June

This is your last chance to collect your Raffle prizes from the Gala. See Raffle Winners here

Please contact Sophia.verykios@gmail.com until 7 June.