31 May, 2024

Primary Spoken Poetry Competition

Primary Spoken Poetry Competition

On Friday last week, Primary held the final of our Spoken Poetry Competition. Class and year group finals happened during the week leading up to the final and on Friday the finalists from each year group performed to an audience of their peers, their parents and our judges; Mr Turner, Ms. Murphy, Mr Cannon and Ms. Croft. The finalists were judged on how well the student knew the poem, if they had good expression, if they had good body langauge, gave eye-contact and had actions, if they were articulate, had good stage presence and if they could project their voices. Finally they were judged on how entertaining their poems were.

In Years 1, 2 and 3 the winners were:

1st place - Zilia from 2 Blueberry

2nd place - Nik from 3 Marigold

3rd place - Eylul for 3 Saffron


In Years 4, 5 and 6 the winners were:

1st place - Filip from 6 Amber

2nd place - Zaki from 4 Plum

3rd place - Mira from 5 Aqua


A big well done to everyone who took part. We were very impressed with the range of poems and even had a few children who wrote their own! 


Michelle Simons and Rebecca Moxom

Primary English Coordinators