16 May, 2024

Exploring History at the Hospital in the Rock: A Memorable Visit for Year 9 Hungarian Groups

Exploring History at the Hospital in the Rock: A Memorable Visit for Year 9 Hungarian Groups - Exploring History at the Hospital in the Rock A Memorable Visit for Year 9 Hungarian Groups

On Monday, May 13th, our Year 9 Hungarian groups embarked on an educational journey to the Hospital in the Rock. This underground hospital, operating during WWII and the 1956 Revolution, offered an immersive experience linked to their Hungarian History studies. Students were divided into doctors and soldiers teams, engaging in games and activities that brought history to life. From painting wounds to carrying stretchers, they gained a deeper understanding of the hospital's significance and the resilience of those who worked there. The visit seamlessly combined learning and fun, and also served as a team building experience.

What students learnt:

We learnt about health care during WWII and the revolution of 1956. (Nóra)

The Hospital in the Rock had a crucial role to save the people of Budapest during the wars. (Fülöp)

The caves of the Hospital in the Rock run 10 km long. (Dániel)

Originally, they designed the capacity of the hospital for 60 patients, but later it was extended to 200 patients. (Panni and Szofi)

During WWII the hospital didn't receive any water for 2 weeks, and people could use only 1 litre of water per day. (Luka)

Blanka Langó

Hungarian Teacher and Social Impact Lead