17 May, 2024

Early Years and Primary Sports Days

Early Years and Primary Sports Days - Early Years and Primary Sports Days

This week we had two action-packed days of sports galore in Primary! On Tuesday morning Year 3 and 4 showcased their teamwork, athleticism, and House Spirit with Jade House clinching 1st Place! In the afternoon Year 5 and 6 battled it out with Jade House claiming victory once again! Congratulations to all our Primary athletes for their fantastic efforts and achievements! A huge well done to all!

But the excitement didn't stop there, Wednesday morning brought swashbuckling fun at our first Early Years Pirate Sports Day, filled with Pirate-themed challenges and boundless energy from our little buccaneers! Our mini mateys had a plunderin' good time, arrr! 

On Wednesday afternoon our Y1 and 2's took part in their Sports Day extravaganza! With lots of enthusiasm, energy, and sporting prowess, it was a close contest between the four House Teams. However, on this occasion it was Sapphire House who emerged victorious! 

Again, congratulations to all our primary athletes who participated in these events and a huge thank you to all our staff, parents and Student Helpers for your support. 

Enjoy a well-deserved rest! 

The PE Department