10 May, 2024

Year 9 Service Learning Action Week Promoting Good Health and Wellbeing

Year 9 Service Learning Action Week Promoting Good Health and Wellbeing - Year 9 Service Learning Action Week Promoting Good Health and Wellbeing

From 6th to 10th May, our Year 9 students embarked on a remarkable journey of service-learning, dedicating their time and efforts to contribute to the betterment of our community, particularly focusing on Sustainable Development Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing.

The week was filled with engaging activities and initiatives, showcasing the students' commitment to making a positive impact. One notable effort came from 9 Jade, who orchestrated quiz games and interactive activities throughout the week, fostering both fun and learning among their peers. Additionally, they organised 'Fruity Friday', encouraging students to bring in fruits to share within their tutor groups, promoting healthy eating habits.

Meanwhile, the combined efforts of 9 Topaz and Ruby bore fruit—literally! They set up stalls selling delicious fruit salads and refreshing smoothies, to support Csodalámpa Alapítvány, an organization dedicated to fulfilling the wishes of terminally ill children. Furthermore, 9 Ruby took the initiative to make the small gym available for secondary students during lunchtime throughout the week, providing an opportunity for physical activity and stress relief amid busy school days.

9 Sapphire directed their efforts towards mental health awareness. They are in the process of planning short workshops for younger students, focusing on emotional awareness and regulation—a crucial aspect of maintaining overall wellbeing.

The dedication and creativity exhibited by our Year 9 students during the Service-Learning Action Week are truly commendable. Their initiatives not only contribute to the betterment of our school community but also serve as inspiring examples of youth-driven positive change.

Blanka Langó

Hungarian Teacher and Social Impact Lead