14 March, 2024

The CCA Scene

CCA newsletter

It has been another incredible term of CCA at BISB and so many of our students have participated in our widest array of CCAs to date.

A huge thank you to everyone involved in the programme!

Term 2 to Term 3 CCAs

All Term 2 CCAs for everyone in primary and secondary will finish on Friday 22nd March.

Term 3 CCAs will begin on Monday 22nd April and run until Friday 14th June.

More info will follow soon about Term 3 registration for all students.

BISB Wolves CCAs for Secondary Students Only

Season 2 will end on Friday 22nd March 

Season 3 will begin on Monday 25th March and will run until the end of the academic year.

Watch out next week for the new sign-up info for Season 3 BISB Wolves CCAs for secondary students!

Kevin Swaine 
Co-Curricular Learning Coordinator