16 February, 2024

Term 2 SISU Fair - Making a Difference Together

Term 2 SISU Fair - Making a Difference Together - Term 2 SISU Fair - Making a Difference Together

Last week, on February 8th and 9th, BISB hosted the Term 2 SISU (Social Impact Student Union) Fair, bringing together various clubs focused on social impact. Representatives from clubs like MUSE, MUN, Tanzania Club, Econ Journal, SDG Debate Club, Equilibrium, Changemakers, and UNICEF Ambassadors were there to share what they do and recruit new members.

Students had a chance to learn about different clubs and even play games. Some primary classes also came by to see what clubs they can join when they move up to secondary school.

Besides the work of the respected CCAs, students also had a chance to learn about the Sustainable Development Goals and the Rights of the Child. The fair was a big success, showing our school's commitment to making a difference. 

Blanka Langó

Hungarian Teacher and Social Impact Lead