29 September, 2023

Year 5 Trip

Year 5 Trip - Year 5 Trip

As part of the Year 5 Topic on Space, Class 5 Aqua & 5 Neptune went to the Observatory - Svabhegyi Csillagvizsgalo. The children had an interactive lecture about asteroids and meteorites as well as studied meteorites up close through a microscope. They looked at the sun through solar telescopes and even experienced the trampoline solar system!

"The big telescope was really interesting because we could see the sun so clearly and it is so far away!" Panna

I thought it was amazing that we could see the sun in 3 shades of colours through the giant telescope, my favourite was the sun when it was 'purple!'" Michael

"I liked looking at how heavy I would be on different planets and in different parts of space." Dominik

My favourite was the trampoline Solar system because I could really see how planets orbit around the sun, it all made sense." Jain

Ms Marion Sands
Year 5 Teacher