15 September, 2023

Secondary Sports Day

Secondary Sports Day - Secondary Sports Day
Jade, Sapphire, Topaz and Ruby Houses came together for an epic showdown at their first Y7-13 Sports Day! From thrilling races to heart-pounding games, the competition was fierce. It was a day filled with sportsmanship, determination, athletic prowess and an abundance of House Spirit!

And the results are in! *Cue drumroll!*

Jade 1st - 1123 points
Ruby 2nd - 1113 points
Topaz 3rd - 1060 points
Sapphire 4th - 1032 points

A huge well done to all participants, and congratulations to Jade House on seizing victory! Scroll through the photos to view some of the highlights of this memorable day!

Hannah Crawley

Head of PE