02 June, 2023

Year 9 Service-Learning Action Week: Health and Wellbeing

Year 9 Service Learning Action Week Health and Wellbeing - Year 9 Service Learning Action Week Health and Wellbeing

This week, Year 9 have been showcasing their Service-learning projects on the theme of promoting good health and wellbeing. 9 Endeavour having been learning about the importance of sleep and led an advocacy campaign to inform others. 9 Kontiki led a Wednesday Wellbeing Workout focused on the role of exercise in wellbeing. 9 Discovery shared an update on their research and advocacy project on the dangers of vaping, and 9 Calypso have been focusing on nutrition by curating a digital resource library, sharing healthy recipe ideas, and hosting a guess the vegetable competition. Service-learning empowers young people to be change leaders. It cultivates the key drivers of wellbeing and can enhance attitudes to self, school, learning and community, as well as nurturing critical thinking skills and emotional intelligence. Thank you to our Year 9 Service-learning leaders for organizing the events, in particular our Project Managers: Sarah, Leo, Maja, Luca, Hanna, and Dia.   

Rachel Rhodes

Social Impact Lead