12 May, 2023

MUSE Art Competition


The Muses Art Competition

Welcome to the 2023 MUSE Art Competition!

We are delighted to invite students from Year 7 to Year 12 to partake in an art competition for the following two weeks (10th -24thof May) organized by the MUSE team. For those of you that aren't familiar with MUSE, it is our school student magazine- by students, for students.

The theme of the art competition is THE MUSES. We decided on 6 different sections with each section focusing on a specific God/Goddess and what they are known for. The sections are as follows:

  1. Hephaistos- god of technology(anything related to tech or inventions)
  2. Hermes- physical activity, sports-related articles
  3. Pan- "nature and the self", articles related to the environment, nature etc.
  4. Apollo- culture, literature, music
  5. Patron- god of ambition, school-related articles.
  6. Athena- goddess of crafts, articles relating to hobbies or community-based activities"

You don't have to limit yourself to producing art about a specific God or Goddess but do try to link it to one of the sections. This time the theme is very broad, so do not feel constrained by it as essentially any topic will have a connection to one of the Gods, Goddesses, or Muses. 

Email your submissions to either Ms. Walsh, reoghan.walsh@bisb.hu or Calliope Tulea, calliope_tulea@bisb.hu




Reoghan Walsh 
Teacher of English